Avni Bhandari, a Cyber Security and IT Forensics student from University of Limerick, was presented with a bespoke framed glass artwork to mark her receipt of...
Stryker And I-Form Win Primary Education Award at STEM South West Awards. Michael Golden, Communications and Public Engagement Office, I-Form; Martin Boyle, Senior Director, Small Molecule...
Beth Keatley age 7 from Lisnagry Limerick is shown some Chemistry Magic as part of the University of Limericks Science Week. MIC, UL, and TUS Partner...
BD 2024 STEM Stars Award Final 2024 “Teaching AI to Recognise Bacterial Cultures” pictured above are Miles Bueno (right), Cholaiste Chiarain Co. Limerick with Seán O’Sullivan...
Set up by Patrice and Fionn Kelly, the GoFundMe fundraiser has set a target of €5,000 to help with the cost of adapting their home and...
Pictured at the BusConnects Limerick launch are Stephen Kent CEO Bus Eireann, Brian Kennedy limerick County & City Council, Robert O’ Mahony Bus Eireann and Anne...
UL WiSTEM2D Programme 2022/2023 – Recipients of the 2021/2022 Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Award programme at the University of Limerick. Pictured with the students are, from left:...
BD STEM Stars 2022 winner – Pictured are Padraig Fitzgerald, BD RCI’s Site Director making a presentation to first place winner, Maha Shahzadi, Coláiste Nano Nagle, Limerick....
BD STEM Stars finalists from 2021 Aoife Lee and Emma Brennan, Desmond College, Newcastlewest with their winning project, ‘Exercise is Key’. Picture: Alan Place. Five Mid-West...
BD Scholarships and Bursaries – Pictured above are Padraig Fitzgerald, Senior R&D Director BD, Scholarship Recipient Jack Moore, Patrickswell Co Limerick and Sarah Hartnett, UL Foundation. Picture: ...
Bon Secours Limerick jobs announcement – Pictured above are Geoff Maher (Chairperson, Bon Secours Health System), Lynn Guthrie (Chief Strategy Officer, Bon Secours Health System), Bill...
Limerick as a STEM city – Limerick has been putting more emphasis on making itself a leading STEM city. Picture: Ivan O’Riordan Developing Limerick as a...
WISTEM2D Awards Programme 2021 – Pictured above are Limerick recipients of the award, Therese Houghton, Aisling Daniels, Serena Nabasirye, and Claire Cooney. Sixteen UL students receive...
MIC Department of STEM Education – pictured above is a student participating in an experiment at an MIC event MIC Department of STEM Education awarded a tender to...
STEM Stars competition 2022 – Pictured are BD Stemstar Winners 2021, Aoife Lee and Emma Brennan, Desmond College, Newcastlewest Co. Limerick with their winning project from...
Professor Emer Ring – The awarding of the tender follows on from the work and research by Professor Ring in the area of special education, particularly...