Pictured from left at the second Capital Limerick autumn lunch: former President of the European Parliament, Pat Cox, Jim Power, Economist, Niamh Briggs, Irish Women’s Rugby...
John Moran, former Secretary General of the Department of Finance, Patrick O’Donovan, Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Trish Long, Vice President and General Manager...
Second Capital Limerick Finance Event Announced for March in Dublin. pictured are Conn Murray, CEO, Limerick City and County Council, Kieran O’Hanlon, Mayor of Limerick City and...
The inaugural Capital Limerick event is a huge success. The inaugural Capital Limerick event is a huge success – pictured above John Moran, former Secretary General of the Department of Finance, Patrick O’Donovan, Minister of...
A group of high profile professionals and business people originally from Limerick but now based in Dublin are putting their weight behind the current campaign to...
University of Limerick awarded €25m investment for extension and refurbishment of Main Building University of Limerick awarded €25m capital investment to refurbish and extend the Main...
Funding for Dance Limerick – €540,000 Capital Grants Scheme is set to include Dance Limerick funding alongside 25 arts and culture organisations across Ireland to upgrade and develop their...
€7 Million Sports Funding – 99 local sports clubs in Limerick City and County received more than €7 million under a Sports Capital and Equipment Programme....
EU Green Capital Awards – Mayor Butler (pictured second from right) spoke at a forum entitled ‘Climate Action for Forerunner Cities’ alongside mayors of four other...
Granting of planning permission for the Limerick Opera Site and the new UL City Campus, is welcomed by Limerick Milk Market with plans for expansion Limerick...
Seoda Shows announce that post-punk band The Murder Capital will play Limerick date as part of Irish tour Post-punk band The Murder Capital announce Limerick date...
Limerick Twenty Thirty Strategic Development DAC and Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC) have confirmed a lease agreement for the iconic Gardens International building on Henry Street. Photographed: Mayor...
Invest in Limerick as Mid-West is fastest growing region outside the capital – Conn Murray, CEO, Limerick City and County Council, Kieran O’Hanlon, Mayor of Limerick City...
Sporting Capital of Ireland – Limerick’s Paul O’Connell is the third most capped player in Irish history and the twelfth most capped player in International Rugby...
Limerick 2020 European Capital of Culture bid – Elves came out of the sky to help decorate the Christmas tree and switch on the Lights for Christmas...
Picture by: Alan Place for FusionShooters. As competition heats up for the prize of hosting European Capital of Culture 2020, Limerick are carefully working on their...