Dancehall Days 2014 Limerick will celebrate the DanceHalls Days this June! “Are You Dancing? Remembering Limerick’s Dancehalls”, is one of the 109 locally...
Appeal for Photos to feature in Dancehall Days Exhibition The City of Culture ‘Are You Dancing?’ project is appealing to local...
Dance Limerick announce Step Up 2024 participants following competitive open call Following a competitive Open Call last year, we are delighted to announce the Step Up...
Arias of Consolation – Pictured is poet John Liddy and the cover of his “book-length” poem, Arias of Consolation Poet John Liddy releases Arias of Consolation...
Africa Day 2021 is being celebrated with a series of online events for 2021. Africa Day 2021 on May 25 offers online events from Limerick based groups ...
Johnny Cash at the Crystal Ballroom, Dublin, 1963. (Photo: RTÉ.ie) When singer Johnny Cash visited Limerick’s Jetland Ballroom in 1963 By I Love Limerick correspondent Mary...
Derek Ryan, award-winning country musician, is set to play in Dolans on August 16. Award-winning country star Derek Ryan confirmed for Dolans debut Dolans Presents has...
What Next Dance Festival 2019 will feature ‘Princesses can be Pirates’ by Mónica Muñoz Marín, an energetic duet that seeks to playfully questions what is considered...
As part of Limerick’s Riverfest celebrations, Dolans Presents have announced the return, by popular demand, of the highly successful Riverfest 80s versus 90s night on Sunday, May...
Legendary Irish trad-rockers Horslips played a Live at the Big Top gig in the Milk Market and is was the first gig the Celtic prog-rock band played...