Acupuncture and Homeopathy Holistic Medicine Clinic opens in Limerick
Acupuncture Homeopathy Limerick – Leslie Salazar pictured in the Acupuncture and Homeopathy Clinic on 18 Mallow Street
Acupuncture and Homeopathy Holistic Medicine Clinic opens in Limerick
In this modern age, where sedentary lifestyle and stress are the causes of migraines, back pain, depression, tinnitus, weight issues, infertility, chronic fatigue and many more ailments, it is good to remember that human beings have always used plants and holistic medicinal techniques as a remedy.
This is why Leslie Salazar has opened an acupuncture and homeopathy holistic clinic, to give people an alternative treatment for common ailments.
Leslie explains, “Using holistic therapies helps your body to regain balance and combat the symptoms that you present with. Homeopathy is suitable for everyone: babies, children, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, adults, and older people. the consultation generally will last an hour, follow-ups are shorter, during this confidential -in-debt consultation, all aspects will be considered, past medical history, diet, lifestyle, and personality type.”
Leslie previously operated a clinic in Dublin but, due to the pandemic and personal reasons, she decided to move it to Limerick.
For those who have not had the opportunity to try traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture treatment uses small needles at key points to move energy and blood circulation, which helps your body heal. This helps a range of issues from arthritic pain and sports injuries, to hormonal imbalance such as depression, infertility etc.
Another branch of Chinese medicine, made popular by footballers and athletes in the Olympics, is cupping. Many athletes have been seen with round bruises on their body, as this treatment is based on suction cups that move blood and energy. Cupping is recommended for back pain and muscle strains.
Another treatment that Leslie offers is homeopathy, which originated in Germany, with medical doctor Samuel Hahnemann using plants and minerals as an alternative treatment to stimulate the body’s own healing power.
Leslie adds, “I grew up in a medical environment as my own mother was a General Practitioner, however as a teenager I was suffering migraines and also panic attacks. Trying to find a no invasive treatment, she found that homeopathy was the solution, after that experience, she also specialized in holistic therapies.
Years later, I got sick again, but now with female health issues, so of course, as my last chance, I went for a homeopathic treatment. After that, I decided that it was time for me to help other people, so that was the beginning of my path as holistic healthcare, starting with Acupuncture and then homeopathy.
It is shocking to see how health improves, with small changes in eating habits, and with the intake or use of alternative medicines. That is the reason, I invite you not to throw in the towel and try another way, to improve your health. Body and Mind are one and we must take this into account.”
Homeopathy addresses a multitude of symptoms, and may be used in chronic conditions and where there is no specific diagnosis. It may also help with asthma, hay fever, skin conditions, anxiety, and depression. However, it is recommended that patients keep in touch with their regular GP.
Leslie Salazar, an Accredited Acupuncturist and Homeopath invites you to discover her treatments in her clinic at 18 Mallow St, Limerick.
For more information go HERE
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