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UL Teddy Bears Hospital Team who will be helping out at the CARI Family Fun Day 2018 on Sunday, Sept 16

CARI Family Fun Day 2018 in the UL Arena set to help local children

CARI (Children At Risk In Ireland) is a leading voluntary organisation that provides child-centred specialised therapy and support to children, families and groups affected by child sexual abuse. The CARI foundation is a registered charity that has two full-time centres one in Dublin and one in Limerick. 

The Limerick Centre serves the whole of the Munster region.





CARI Family Fun Day 2018

Pictured at the launch of the CARI Family Fun Day in association with the Live95 Stop Tour for Limerick kids were Richard Lynch, ilovelimerick, Helen Coote, CARI Team Leader, Mary Madden, CARI Community Employment Supervisor and Shane Kiely, CARI Fundraiser. Picture: Cian Reinhardt/ilovelimerick

CARI helps those who have been affected by abuse and supports them during their recovery process, working to ensure that child sexual abuse is seen as an experience but not a defining event in the child’s life. The foundation gives children a safe environment filled with hope, trust and confidence, which leads them to a path of recovery through therapy. This non-profit organisation has been shining a light for children for almost 30 years.

On Sunday, September 16 2018, CARI will be hosting a CARI Family Fun Day in the UL Arena from  11 am until 4 pm. All the proceeds made on the day will go directly to CARI and the Children’s Ark University Hospital and the Neo-Natel Unit in the Regional Maternity Hospital and Cliona’s Foundation. The aim of the CARI Family Fun Day is to raise much-needed funds for these three great causes and it is in conjunction with Limerick’s 95FM 95 Stop Tour for Limerick Kids.  Live 95FM will broadcast from the UL Arena on the day.

On the day there will be a variety of stalls and children’s entertainment including bouncy castles, obstacle courses and wrecking balls. The very popular CARI Pop-Up Shop will be in the held in the UL Arena. An array of food and drink will be available, including a CARI BBQ, ice cream and popcorn supplied by Shannon Ices. The stalls will have everything from books to toys to bric a brac.

The UL medical students are hosting a Teddy Bear’s Hospital. Also on the day, there will be egg and spoon races, three-legged races, sack races, tug of war and giant board games. The Boherbuoy and the Garryowen Ceoltas will be providing the music, as well as an Irish dancing display by the children from Scoil Ui Nuallain.  The band recitals will kick off from 12 o’clock.  Everyone is welcome and this particular Family Day will cater to adults and children alike, so come along and play and CARI home a bargain!

For any enquiries about the CARI Family Fun Day or if you would like to provide any donations or sponsorship, you can contact them on 061 582200 from 9 am to 5.30pm.

For more information on CARI family fun day 2018, go here

For more stories on CARI, go here

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.