Carla Burns Limerick Most Loved.
Carla Burns is a renowned international artist that resonates here in Limerick City. The most intriguing and unique aspect about Carla and her work is that she connects the body and mind with her artwork and pictures.
Although Carla is currently based in London, she studied in the Limerick Institute of Technology and was awarded a 3-month sculpture residency at the National Sculpture Factory. Carla combined her studies of psychology and working in clinical and research position with art and migrated to an artistic practice.
Since graduating from Limerick School of Art & Design in 2011 Carla Burns has been resident at Raggle Taggle studios in Limerick, and she is a recipient of the National Sculpture Factory Graduate Residency in 2012. Her work includes video, animation, drawing, performance, and collaboration.
Carla’s main interest is in how we come to know what is real and the ways in which we communicate and strengthen that reality. Recent exhibitions and projects include ‘White Death’, Ormston House, Limerick; ‘Sunday Salon’, Glasgow Open House Festival; ‘Irish Art Does Not Exist’, Station Independent Projects, New York; ‘Dream of Healing’, Occupy House, Supermarket, Stockholm.
In 2012, Carla launched a new project of work in partnership with the Basement Project Space and the national sculpture factory. The brief of the project was “How de we come to know what is real and how do we communicate and strengthen that reality?” The approach that Carla took was appropriating artifacts of self-help and spiritual culture to consider how our emotional life bleeds into our intellectual life as we long for coherent systems of meaning-making.”
Carla’s work is truly breathtaking as she creates long lasting works of art that will test you mental capability in an un-obvious manner! Her work can be viewed on her website and you can check out her work at all her upcoming events which are listed online!
We here at I Love Limerick are so proud to be able to call Carla one of our own as her work is truly inspiring!
To view more of Carla’s work you can visit her website,
You can read more about Carla’s project with the Basement Project space and the Nation Sculpture Factory here.
For more projects by LSAD and Carla’s involvement with the college, click here.
To read other Limerick’s most loved, click here.