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Carmody family fundraiser: Shirley Carmody pictured with her children, Clodagh and Dylan Carmody of whom the fundraiser at Castleconnell is in aid of.

Castle Oaks House Hotel to host a fundraiser for Carmody family 

Castle Oaks House Hotel in Castleconnell is to host a fundraiser night on Saturday, November 30 to raise funds to help the Carmody family get treatment for their daughter Clodagh who is presenting similar ‘Chronic Pain’ symptoms to her late brother Damian and for their son, Dylan who suffers with his mental health. 

Shirley and Ger Carmody, tragically buried their eldest son, Damian last March after he suffered for over 8 years with an illness known as ‘Chronic Pain Syndrome’. Chronic pain is a disease of the central nervous system and is defined as “pain without apparent biological value that has persisted beyond normal tissue healing time”.  





Carmody family fundraiser

Clodagh, Damian and Dylan Carmody pictured together as children.

Damian suffered tremendously at the hand of this disease, with the pains and aches so bad at times it would affect his mobility. 

Unfortunately, their daughter Clodagh aged 15 began presenting similar symptoms 3 years ago and it continues to escalate by the day with pain in her wrist, fingers and up through her arm. 

Carmody family fundraiser

Pictured is Damian Carmody, the eldest of Shirley and Gers children who sadly passed away earlier this year as a result of ‘Chronic Pain Syndrome’

In January of this year, just two months prior to Damian’s death, Shirley’s father passed away. This death combined with the death of his older brother, Damian, has had a huge effect on the Carmody’s youngest child, Dylan. 

Dylan is in just 6th class of primary school and struggles to find the will to attend school as he battles with this grief daily. In addition to this, it is still uncertain if Dylan will escape ‘Chronic Pain Syndrome’ as symptoms do not present themselves until between the ages of 11-13 years. 

Damian’s pain reached such heights that he often passed out in school due to the agony of it. He was admitted to 5B at UHL, just months before his death, as his mental health began suffering, plunging him into depression most likely as a result of the medication he was on.  

It is Shirley and Gers greatest wish not to see any more tragedy at the hand of this disease in their family. In order to help make this wish a reality, Dolores O’Connell accompanied by Mairead Fanning, Donna O’Rourke and other members of the community have set up this fundraiser and Go Fund Me page to help raise funds to get Clodagh and Dylan the treatment and support they need. 

A fundraiser evening is to be held at in Castle Oaks House Hotel at Castleconnell, on Saturday, November 30 with tickets being sold at €20 per person for an evening of music, entertainment and food. Raffle tickets will also be sold on the night.  

Founder of the fundraiser and family friend, Dolores O’Connell said, “I care about other people, sometimes we get caught up in our own little bubble, I’ve been blessed with a happy healthy family, this is a time where I want to give back to those less fortunate and not just say I care. This fundraiser is my way of showing that I & people like me do care and want to help” 

Further donations can be made on the Go Fund Me page linked here. 

For more stories on local fundraisers click here. 


Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.