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Ceili Afro Dabke Performance, an inclusive, exciting dance project created to bring people in the community together is starting in Dance Limerick.

Learn to dance, have fun and meet people from around the world based in your city at Dance Limerick’s Ceili Afro Dabke Performance Project.

Choreographer Catherine Young and Dance Limerick is thrilled to bring you Ceili Afro Dabke Performance, an inclusive, exciting dance project created to bring people in the community together for a chance to learn something new and meet their neighbours.

An ongoing project by Catherine Young, Ceili Afro Dabke Performance is a world music céilí featuring African dance, traditional dabke dance from Palestine/Syria and the old style Irish céilí dances. The project begins with eight workshops in Palestinian dabke and African dance at Dance Limerick during January and February 2020, and finishes with a public performance during the What Next Dance Festival on Saturday 8 February.





The Ceili Afro Dabke Performance workshops are open to everyone over the age of eighteen who is interested in music, dance and meeting new people. No previous experienced required, both the workshops and attendance of the Céilí Afro Dabke are free of charge.

Ceili Afro Dabke

Ceili Afro Dabke aims to bring communities together

An invitation has been extended to individuals currently living in Direct Provision in Limerick city and the surrounding area, with the help of Doras (formerly Doras Luimní). Doras is an independent non-profit organisation, working to support and promote the human rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in Limerick and the wider Mid-West region.

We are delighted to support this great project by Dance Limerick. Limerick and Ireland is for everyone, and inclusive projects like this are vital in engaging people, many who have been living here for a number of years but segregated by the system of Direct Provision, in community activities”, John Lannon, Director, Doras.

Transport to the workshops from the Direct Provision centres outside of the city centre will be provided to make it as easy as possible for those interested to attend. We hope that by taking part in the project all our attendees will widen their social circles, make new friends and discover a love of dance!


  • Céilí Afro Dabke Performance Project Information – Workshops (Free, Over 18s)

Tuesdays and Thursdays | 7-9pm

Dance Limerick, January 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, February 4 & 6


  • Performance at What Next & Céilí Afro Dabke (Free, booking required, all ages welcome)

Dance Limerick, Saturday 8 February, 8pm


How to get Involved –

If you want to get involved in the workshops please email [email protected] or call 061 400 994. Booking for the Céilí Afro Dabke on Saturday 8 February as part of the What Next dance festival opens on Monday 13 January at


For further information please contact Emer Casey | [email protected]

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Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.