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City-wide Children and Youth Forum Conference 2015 City-wide Children and Youth Forum Conference 2015


City-wide Children and Youth Forum Conference 2015



The City-wide Children and Youth Forum Conference will take place as part of the Lifelong Festival at Thomond Park on March 23 2015.

The Limerick City-wide Children and Youth Forum is made up of practitioners from the community, voluntary and statutory sector who work with children and young people in the city. The Forum works in partnership to share information and identify and address gaps in services so outcomes for children and young people are improved.

The conference will highlight, celebrate and share Limericks long history of innovative and excellent youth work and family support that positively impact on the lives of young peoples and their families.   

The purpose of the Conference is to:





Raise awareness of the importance of wellbeing for all who work and learn in youth and community settings.

Showcase the excellent and effective work being done across the Limerick region in the sector

Share knowledge and experience with each other in a very interactive way and learn new and exciting approaches to wellbeing

The key note speaker for the Conference is Dr. Fergus Heffernan a renowned Psychologist and Psychotherapist who is a leading educator in the area of resilience and how it relates to our mental health.  Dr. Heffernan will give an engaging talk full of practical advice on tools and simple measures that child and youth practitioners can use to keep mentally fit to help them with the challenges and rigours of everyday life and work.

The idea for the Conference came from the Forum “We are really looking forward to showcasing all that is good in family support and the children and youth work sector in Limerick, there is lots of excellent work taking place in a variety of organisations and we want to highlight this” Cathal Dillon, Community Youth Worker in Southill and member of the Limerick Citywide Children and Youth Forum.

“The Learning Hub was thrilled to be involved in the Youth Conference in Thomond Park again this year. We all need the opportunity to reflect and network and this conference is an ideal opportunity for youth workers to take time out of busy working lives to connect and be recharged by the advice and expertise of others.” Jennifer Moroney-Ward, Manager Learning Hub Limerick.

The founder of “I Love Limerick” – Richard Lynch a presenter, producer and actor will MC the conference which we hope will be an exciting learning event for all.

 For more information, check out Lifelong Learning’s website here.
Their Facebook here.

Their Twitter here.
Read more about Lifelong Learning here.

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.