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Cork to Limerick Transport Corridor Cork to Limerick Transport Corridor


Cork to Limerick Transport Corridor key to economic and social resilience



Cork to Limerick Transport Corridor – Cork Chamber and Limerick Chamber have welcomed the opportunity to make submissions to the N/M20 Cork to Limerick Improvement Scheme 

Cork to Limerick Transport Corridor key to economic and social resilience

Cork to Limerick Transport Corridor

David Jeffreys, President of Limerick Chamber

Cork Chamber and Limerick Chamber have welcomed the opportunity to make submissions to the N/M20 Cork to Limerick Improvement Scheme public consultation, currently at options selection stage. 





Paula Cogan, President of Cork Chamber commented, “We are committed to seeing a comprehensive upgrade to the N/M20 transport corridor progressed. The redevelopment of the regionally significant route corridor has been on the backburner for too long. Nationally and regionally, we cannot afford further complacency on this and must enable our economic centres to thrive. Ultimately, a comprehensive investment in the Cork to Limerick transport corridor is required for road, rail, and active travel, with potential to make significant and impactful improvements on all fronts.” 

David Jeffreys, President of Limerick Chamber commented, “While we welcome the current review of the NDP, we call on the government to not lose sight of their commitment to delivering the strategic projects that were identified in 2018 as being crucial to Ireland’s development. Project Ireland 2040 aims to promote balanced regional development and the delivery of the M20 is a crucial component in unlocking the greater economic potential for the Mid West and Southern regions. We encourage the design team to create a fit for purpose mobility corridor that meets our future needs and positions Ireland as a leader in sustainable transport infrastructure”

Paula Cogan, President of Cork Chamber “We encourage the project team to take every available opportunity to complement and, or, implement interregional active travel, and CMATS/LSMATS objectives in the final design stages and to ensure that the design is leading, contemporary, safe and progressive in relation to multi modal mobility combining road, bus, rail, and active travel. As ever, we encourage the project team to engage proactively with the community and all stakeholders throughout the development process.”


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Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.