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Richard with Paul Treacy, GO Gym Limerick, Ger Mullahy, Manager of Casey’s Londis Limerick, and Maria McCarthy, GO Gym Limerick at Casey’s Londis on the Dock Road for the Londis Cycle For Joy with Go Gym in aid of Pieta House. Friday, May 18, 2018. Picture: Sophie Goodwin/ilovelimerick.

Caseys Londis & Go Gym Limerick Cycle for Joy cycleathon in aid of Pieta House

Casey’s Londis, Dock Road, along with Go Gym Limerick, held a Cycle for Joy cycleathon in aid of Pieta House on Friday, May 18. The Cycle for Joy cycleathon began at 8 am and ran for 12 hours. Members of staff from both Casey’s Londis and Go Gym Limerick each spent an hour cycling throughout the cycleathon. Londis Stores across the country are also participating in the Cycle for Joy cycleathon. All proceeds from the Cycle for Joy cycleathon will go to Pieta House.

Speaking about why it is important for Casey’s Londis to raise funds for Pieta House, Manager Ger Mullahy said, “I personally have been affected by suicide and mental health. Everyone in Limerick knows someone affected by suicide. Casey’s Londis just want to do their part to help the fantastic work Pieta House does”.

Opening in 2006, Pieta House is a suicide prevention organisation that aims to help those who are in suicidal distress or engaging in self-harm. Since opening, Pieta House has helped over 30,000 people and opened 13 centres in Ireland, growing to almost 270 therapists and administration staff. In 2016 alone, almost 6,000 people came through Pieta House’s doors suffering from suicidal ideation and/or engaging in self-harm, or to avail of suicide bereavement counselling.

Pieta House recently held its annual flagship fundraiser, Darkness Into Light. It is reported that over 10,000 took part in the Limerick Darkness Into Light walk for Pieta House. This year’s walk marked the ninth time the walk took place in Limerick.

Go Gym Limerick in Coonagh Cross, Limerick is owned by personal trainer and fitness blogger Leanne Moore along with Go Gym founders David Behan and Jay Abbey. Go Gym Limerick opened in 2017 to great success.

Casey’s Londis regularly raises funds for Pieta House. Most recently, the store hosted a coffee morning for the charity last Friday, May 11 to coincide with the annual Darkness into Light walk.

For more information on Pieta House, go here.

For more stories on Pieta House, go here.

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.