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David Moran Memorial Cycle 2017 in aid of Bawnmore Brothers

The David Moran Memorial Cycle 2017 in aid of Bawnmore Brothers of Charity will be running on May 13, 2017, at 10 am

With registration at €35.00, Pamela, David’s sister and her family are running this amazing event to raise as much money as they possibly can for the High Dependency unit in Bawnmore, Brothers of Charity.

David Moran passed away in September 2015 but his family decided to give back to the unit that David had spent a lot of his time. David loved the seaside town of Ballybunion so his family really felt compelled to begin the David Moran Memorial Cycle  2017 at Bawnmore Brothers of Charity and run it through to BallyBunion. This 113km cycle of breathtaking scenery along the coast road of Ballybunion is an excellent event with great crack to be had along the way.





This Charity cycle is family friendly and not just for the cyclists. Refreshments, such as teas and coffees will be served and there is a playground for the children located in Ballybunion where this wonderful charity cycle will finish!

The Brothers of Charity first came to Ireland in 1883. In the early 1970’s they established an assessment and advisory service in Limerick City at the invitation of the then Midwestern Health Board and the services were greatly expanded in the following years. Bawnmore welcomed its first residents in 1977. At that time Bawnmore was hailed as the most modern residential centre for adults with disabilities in Europe. 

The Brothers of Charity Services Limerick adheres to and promotes the ethos and principles of the Brothers of Charity Congregation in the management and delivery of the services. Service delivery is influenced by the needs of people who use our services.  Services are designed around the individual and are measured using an accredited quality system.  Personal Outcome Measures (Council on Quality and Leadership) focus on the items and issues that matter most to individuals in their lives.

All are welcomed to join in on the David Moran Memorial Cycle. With proceeds going to Bawnmore Brothers of Charity, the event promises to be serving a very worthwhile cause.

Click here for more information on Brothers of Charity

For more on local charity events click here

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.