Declan Dore is a master of productivity and has spoken on stages in the UK and the US
Declan Dore brings Trauma to Triumph to the Strand Hotel on January 13
Kilcornan native, Declan Dore defies traumatic brain injury.
While lying in a hospital bed, having suffered a traumatic brain injury due to a car accident, Declan Dore heard the doctor telling his mother that he would never walk, talk or get the use of his face back. Having heard this devastating prognosis Declan vowed not to let his young life slip away and walked out of the hospital ward forty-five days later.
Declan was just 21 and having learned the meaning of life and how precious each minute is, Declan has gone on to become a Master of productivity, has created The Dore Diary which is currently sold globally on Amazon and has spoken on stages in UK and America teaching others how to be a force in salesmanship and productivity.
However, like all entrepreneurs, Declan has dealt with the trials and tribulations of running a business through the Celtic Tiger and unfortunately almost lost the family home through remortgaging in a bid to save his business. At one stage in complete despair, Declan found himself contemplating ending his life.
Now 6 years later Declan has rebuilt his home, rebuilt his business and rebuilt his life. He says, “I realize today that the very thing my mother constantly complained about – my uncanny ability not to listen to others – was the very thing that saved my life on that hospital bed. If I had listened to the doctors I would not be here today. No one is responsible for your emotional reactions except yourself. That is the essence of personal mastery – not allowing others to disempower you with their views of you or the world. Others can say and do anything but what happens to you is the result of your own thoughts and feelings. Stay connected to your truth and believe whatever IT is for you, it is possible.”
Declan Dore wants to bring his message of hope, possibility and most of all personal mastery to others and will for the first time publicly share his secrets of resilience and success on stage in at Trauma to Triumph in The Strand Hotel on January 13. This is a free event and places can be booked at
For more information on Declan Dore, go here.
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