Doras Luimní looks back on 2012
Doras Luimní was founded in 2000 in response to the establishment of the ‘direct provision’ system by the Irish government, which dispersed asylum seekers to accommodation centres around the country. Originally the organisation was established as a Development Organisation for Refugees and Asylum Seekers. However, they now provide services open to all migrants living in the Limerick area. 2012 has brought many changes and achievements for Doras Luimní. Their Legal Service opened its door in the early Summer and has gone from strength to strength – the Legal Team provide a vital service to clients who need quality, dedicated advice, information and representation that is simply not available elsewhere. Through their Integration Planning Office they have developed a new programme of intercultural training aimed at businesses, service providers, community groups and interested individuals and held events such as the Integrating Limerick event which was held at the Hunt Museum. Their Trafficking Office has worked intensively with the Red Ribbon Project in establishing a street outreach service to women affected by prostitution in Limerick. A major highlight of 2012 was the conference on EU Anti-Trafficking Day which brought national and international experts and practitioners to Limerick. As a key partner in the Turn Off the Red Light campaign Doras has been engaged in lobbying for legislative change and has ensured representation for the Mid West region in this national campaign. Working in partnership with the Irish Refugee Council, Doras brought the Invisible Children campaign to Limerick where an installation replicating a typical family room in accommodation for asylum seekers highlighted the constrained conditions of growing up in asylum accommodation, affecting children’s physical, social and psychological development. They look forward to hosting a major conference on racism early in the New Year. As with all charities they are constantly looking to raise funds to help us continue their work. If you are interested in supporting them please visit their website www.dorasluimni.org where you will find out everything you need to know about how you can help. To see videos about Doras go to our media section.
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