Enable Ireland Curraghchase 10k Run
Pictured: Sponsors, supporters, employees and service-users at the Enable Ireland, Curraghchase 10k Run/Walk launch.
Enable Ireland, a charity that provides a number of free services to children and adults suffering with disabilities, was selected as the chosen charity for the Curraghchase 10k Run/Walk for 2015, which will take place on Aug 16 at 12:30pm starting at Kilcornan School. The Enable Ireland Curraghchase 10k Run launch was held at the Enable Ireland Centre in Mungret, Fri July 24.
The Limerick Enable Ireland Adult centre, based at Mungret, offers a five-day week service to 47 adults with physical and sensory disabilities. These services include programmes in independent living skills, personal development, education, employment skills and social leisure activities. The centre employs an expert team who work with service users and their families to help produce a life plan for each service user’s stage of their development.
The Curraghchase run/walk is now in its 4 year, having chosen the Children’s Ark Unity in 2013 and 2014 and Pieta House in 2012. Jason O’Shaughnessy, committee member of the Curraghchase run/walk, said: ‘So far we have about 60 registered, and last year we had 700 runners on the day. So the important thing is we only have race-packs for the first 500 so it’s important to register early.
‘We’ve raised funds with our sponsors, which we’re very grateful for. Sponsor cards are also available for those who register for the run, who then raise money themselves and return the money to Enable Ireland.
Ann Enright, fundraising assistant for Enable Ireland, said at the launch for the run: ‘The Curraghchase community have been fantastic, they’ve pulled out all the stops. They have so many strengths and it’s clear that they have been doing it for a while.’
A large turnout is expected on the day, with some of the centre’s service-users taking part: ‘We have about 6 service-users who are going to take part on the day. Some of the route is off-road and not suitable for wheelchairs, so a particular route will be marked out for them. It will be about 5k for them.’
Members of the under 21’s Limerick hurling team, and the Limerick Senior Hurling team, attended the launch to show their support, where they signed jerseys, hurleys and sliotars and posed for photos with the Run’s sponsors.
Enable Ireland, in conjunction with the Curraghchase 10k Run/Walk, has 14 sponsors who have donated money and time to the worthy event. At the launch, Jason O’ Shaughnessy said: ‘I’d really like to thank our sponsors for their investment in the run. It wouldn’t be possible without them.’
The registration fee, and for the race-pack, is priced at €20 for adults, €10 for under 18’s and free for under 12’s.
You can register online here or you can register on the day before and the morning of the run
Visit the Enable Ireland website here
Check out the Enable Ireland Facebook here and their Twitter here
Check out the Curraghchase 10k Run/Walk Facebook here
Read more about Enable Ireland here
Photos by Frances Fitzgerald for I Love Limerick. All Rights Reserved.