Fashion for the Passion – They will recreate the Passion of Our Lord from the “agony at Gethsemane to his final crucifixion”. It will include the flogging of Jesus, a crown of thorns placed upon his head and being put up on a cross.
Fashion For the Passion Fundraiser
As Passion 2014, a world first for County Limerick, hasn’t received any official funding they organised a fashion show. Titled Fashion for the Passion, it will be their only fundraising event. They relied on the generosity of people’s donations to pay for the spectacle which takes place over 24 hours in Nicker, Pallasgreen on Holy Thursday and Good Friday, April 17 and 18. They will recreate the Passion of Our Lord from the “agony at Gethsemane to his final crucifixion”. It will include the flogging of Jesus, a crown of thorns placed upon his head and being put up on a cross. No expense is being spared to ensure the two days will live long in the memory. For example, they imported six oil lamps from Nazareth. But first to help pay for everything they staged this fashion show in the Strand Hotel with models from the Celia Holman Lee Agency and clothes from many local boutiques and designers and Lorraine Keane was MC.
For the Celia Holman Lee Agency’s website, click HERE.
Pictures by David Woodland 2014 for All Rights Reserved.
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