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Feile Luimni 2017 Feile Luimni 2017


Feile Luimni 2017 set to showcase the best of Limerick talent in the performing arts

Feile Luimni 2017 set to showcase the best of Limerick talent in the performing arts. Our Lady Queen of Peace participants in Feile Luimni 2016.

Feile Luimni is an ongoing singing, instrumental and speech and drama competition in Limerick. The event is dedicated to showcasing the best of Limerick’s talent in the performing arts.

Feile Luimni began on Tuesday, March 19, 1946, and the opening event followed many months of organisational work and deliberation on what the Feile programme would embrace. 1946 was in fact in the immediate post-war period, when shortages, rationing and restrictive regulations associated with the war were gradually being relieved.

Feile Luimni 2017

Feile Luimni 2017 set to showcase the best of Limerick talent in the performing arts. St. Philomena’s School, Féile Luimní winners. 1979







The aims of Feile Luimni are to foster knowledge and practice the arts with the first attention to national culture, encourage creative effort and foster the social interest of the people of Limerick. The programme includes music with instrumentals and vocals, Labairt na Gaeilge, and speech and drama.

The event takes place in the Redemptorist Centre of Music on Island Road and St Mary’s Cathedral and approximately 5,000 people attend the event annually.

“The work of Feile Luimni was putting a person’s mind on what were real values. The work of the committee and competitors was more than the mere filling of leisure hours, for it took us into a new field of values, where drama, history, and culture would play a part to give back to the people of Ireland that idea of living that had been their past,” said Canon Hayes’ The late Canon Hayes of Muintir na Tir at the opening address of the very first Feile Luimni. 

The Junior Speech and Drama starts from Friday, February 3rd until Sunday, February 5th. The prizes include €100 for both the best young male and female performers and the Trudy Ann O Donovan Cup for performers under 12 years old. 

Each section gives its own special and significant dimension to the Feile Luimni and together they embrace an exceptional roundly-based spectrum of cultural and social activity.

For more information on Feile Luimni click here

To read more about competitions in Limerick click here

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.