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Courtesy visit to Limerick of a flotilla of the French navy celebrates friendship between France and Ireland



Flotilla of the French navy celebrates friendship between France and Ireland with a courtesy visit to Limerick.

A flotilla of the French navy celebrates past and present friendship between Ireland and France, its closest EU neighbour

A flotilla of the French navy celebrates past and present friendship between Ireland and France, its closest EU neighbour
The occasion will be more festive than 333 years ago, when, in 1691, the French navy came for reinforcements during the Williamite Wars of Ireland. Photo: Micl Walsh via Twitter/X

For the first time in 333 years, a flotilla of the French navy will make a courtesy port of call to Limerick, to celebrate past and present friendship between Ireland and France, its closest EU neighbour.

A group of 4 “Bateaux-Ecole” – the name given in the French navy to boats exclusively used for training – sails up the River Shannon today, May 24th and dock in Limerick Harbour for a few days.

They will be joined by a 5th boat on Saturday, May 25th. The boats in question can be recognized by their animal-inspired names: “Chacal”, “Guépard”, “Léopard”, “Tigre” and “Lynx”.





The occasion will be more festive than 333 years ago, when, in 1691, the French navy came for reinforcements during the Williamite Wars of Ireland. However, they arrived after the siege of the city and shortly after Patrick Sarsfield had signed the Treaty of Limerick, which led to the exile to France of over 12,000 Irish soldiers who became known as the Wild Geese.

The “bateau-école” boats are used by the French navy to train young cadets for navigation and rescue technique.

Over the weekend, members of the crew will attend the annual United Nations Peacekeepers Day ceremony held by members of Post 6 of the Irish United Nations Veterans Association (IUNVA).

Access to the port will not be open to the public for safety reasons, but the arrival and the departure of the training ships will be visible from Shannon Bridge.

The historical episode of the Flight of the Wild Geese and the special bond with France are commemorated annually during the Limerick Wild Geese Festival which will take place on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July this year.

Find out more here
Read more Wild Geese stories here

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.