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Using Hush City to identify quiet and tranquil areas in Limerick



Hush City: May 2019 Baggot Estate. Limerick City and County Council. Photo by Diarmuid Greene.

Using Hush City to identify quiet and tranquil areas in Limerick

Cities can be noisy places! That has become even more noticeable in Limerick as Covid-19 restrictions have been eased in recent weeks and life begins to return to a certain type of normal.

Research over the last decade has shown that long-term exposure to excessive noise can have a significant adverse impact on our health. That is why it is important that we have access to quiet and tranquil areas, away from the hustle and bustle of city life.





Hush City is a smartphone app which allows members of the public to identify and assess pleasant quiet areas in their locality, which can then be shared with other users of the app.

The app was developed in 2017 by Dr Antonella Radicchi in Berlin and collects data on quiet areas from all over the world. The app also allows local authorities to identify the areas people use and enjoy and that should be protected.

So next time you’re out for a walk in a park, by the river or anywhere that offers you a feeling of peace or tranquillity why not use the Hush City App to record your experience and let others know about your favourite retreat.

This initiative is part of the Limerick City and County Council’s European Green Leaf City 2020 programme to mark our Green Leaf City designation, the Hush City app is available for iOS or Android through the App Store or Google Play.

About European Green Leaf City 2020:

Limerick has been awarded the European Green Leaf for 2020. The European Green Leaf Award is a competition aimed at cities and towns across Europe, with populations between 20,000 and 100,000 inhabitants. The award recognises cities’ commitment to better environmental outcomes. Limerick received the European Green Leaf Award 2020, together with Mechelen in Belgium.

Throughout our European Green Leaf year, Limerick City and County Council will be taking the opportunity to develop a number of environmentally positive projects, which, it is hoped, will leave a legacy for Limerick and its people.

While the original plans have had to change because of Covid-19 restrictions, Limerick still plans to deliver a programme of exciting and engaging events to raise awareness and build capacity around environmental issues.

In particular, Limerick plans to host a wide-ranging programme of webinar events on environmental topics such as biodiversity, waste reduction, climate change, rivers and sustainable living. This year allows Limerick an opportunity to really contribute to becoming more sustainable. Be part of the journey!

If you would like to find out more about using the app and its benefits email Simon Jennings at [email protected].

For more information about European Green Leaf events, log on to 

For more stories on European Green Leaf, click here.

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.