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Join Loomatics for The Hope Foundation Join Loomatics for The Hope Foundation


Join Loomatics for The Hope Foundation



‘Local volunteers continue to ‘band’ together to create a unique ‘Loomatics’ workshop in Kilmallock July 23rd.

Join Loomatics for The Hopefoundation

Left to right: Ciara Fitzgerald (12), Kilmallock, Nessan Kavanagh, Charleville, Lucie Nagle-Grimley (11), Kilmallock, in their County Colours.

Young  Kilmallock girls Lucie Nagle-Grimley and Ciara Fitzgerald have been working very hard over the holidays with a special plan in mind for their loombands summer project in aid of The Hope Foundation. These young girls have already raised over €550 to sponsor a child in a HOPE home for two years after a great weekend at the Charleville show.

They have teamed up with some other volunteers and the lady credited with bringing the bands into Ireland Teresa McGuinness. Teresa, herself a mother of two living in Wexford and the founder of has been running very successful loomband workshops in her hometown and was recently a guest on TV3 This Morning programme.







Speaking of the partnership Teresa said ‘‘having been an integral part of bringing the loomband craze to Ireland, I have seen the amazing creativity of the children as they become better and better with the bands, some beautiful pieces have been created from Unicorns to dragons to necklaces. I ran workshops myself before the summer in Wexford and they are a fantastic way to get the children together creatively. After a while, the kids crafts skills became better than mine! They didn’t come to learn from me anymore, they came to teach each other and share their ideas and creations with their friends….  I am delighted to sponsor this camp in aid of The Hope Foundation. I hope you will support the camp and this wonderful art”

Join Loomatics for The Hope Foundation

Founder of Teresa McGuiness with her Children.

Every parent knows that Loom bands have become a huge craze in Ireland in recent months with children from seven upwards dropping their game consoles and spending hours perfecting the many different design ideas of these hand woven bracelets. It appears that the craze for this art is not confined to children with Teresa advising she has numerous orders from those bedbound, ill and elderly customers who find the weaving process therapeutic and thoroughly enjoyable.

The workshop called ‘Loomatics’ will take place at the Pastoral centre in Kilmallock for three days from July 23rd and all proceeds with go towards the girls project to raise funds for the Hope sponsorship programme. The workshop aims to talk participants through step by step looming/weaving of more advanced bands, unicorns, charms and dolls.

We are also available to visit homes and hospitals for those who cannot make the workshop to give tutorials.

You can check out their facebook page with online shop HERE.

Or contact 087 3666937 with any queries and to book your place today.

Official Poster for the event in Kilmallock

Official Poster for the event in Kilmallock

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.