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PHOTOS – Killaloe Pink Ribbon Walk 2014






Killaloe Pink Ribbon Walk 2014








Richard with Carmell DeMello, Nicola Wood and Barbara McMahon. Picture: Dolf Patijn

Richard with Carmell DeMello, Nicola Wood and Barbara McMahon. Picture: Dolf Patijn

Since 2009 the Pink Ribbon Walks in Ireland have witnessed eight and a half thousand people walk over 100 miles and raise over €850,000 for Action Breast Cancer, a programme of the Irish Cancer Society, a total which will pass the million euro mark in 2014 with walks in Kenmare in May, Killaloe in June and Kells in September.

The community of Killaloe Ballina hosted its fifth Pink Ribbon Walk on Sunday 8th June. It is a 10km sponsored walk where hundreds of people in pink t-shirts walk together through the Clare hills in remembrance of those we have lost, but also to celebrate our survivors and work towards a future without breast cancer. It is a great day for the whole family with music, food and entertainment at The Lakeside Hotel, where the walk starts and finishes.
“Unfortunately almost every family in Ireland has been touched by cancer.  The power of an event like the Pink Ribbon Walks gives people not only a sense of achievement for themselves but the reassurance that those families will receive support from the Irish Cancer Society”, said walk ambassador, Barbara McMahon.
Joanne Murphy of the Irish Cancer Society explained, “The Action Breast Cancer programme is Ireland’s leading provider of breast cancer information and support. Each year we reach over 25,000 women who are concerned about breast cancer and breast health. We strive to ensure that everyone affected by breast cancer receives the highest standards of treatment, support and care, and to improve the quality of life of people living with breast cancer.”

The funds raised through the Killaloe Pink Ribbon Walk will go towards funding free services to breast cancer patients as well as to the first of our Collaborative Cancer Research Centres, a major breast cancer collaborative research initiative called BREAST-PREDICT. This centre brings together a strong team of expert Irish researchers, including most of Ireland’s leading names in breast cancer research.

As well as walking there are other ways to support through volunteering, marshalling, donating or sponsoring elements of the day.  For more information go to, and follow them on Facebook/pinkribbonwalk.

To see other stories about Pink Ribbon Walk go HERE.

Photos by Dolf Patijn for 2014. All Rights Reserved

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Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.

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