Learning Together Conference
Museums and Cities of Culture for All
Learning Together: Museums and Cities of Culture for all is a conference that will be held from 11-12 September by The Hunt Museum.
We invite community groups or individuals to present on a project that they delivered or participated in, either as part of City of Culture or another recent project, with the aim of sharing knowledge, and learning together and of increasing awareness of community-led initiatives
Call for Presentations
We invite community groups or individuals to present on a project that they delivered or participated in, either as part of City of Culture or another recent project, with the aim of sharing knowledge, learning together and of increasing awareness of community-led initiatives.
To propose a project presentation, please complete the online form here.
Thursday 11 September focuses on the role of the community and invited speakers will contribute to a panel discussion on education, human rights and culture in the context of community engagement and social development. Papers will also be presented on the Thursday from community participants accepted through this call.
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission of abstracts: Friday, 18th July
The proposals will undergo a review process and a decision will be provided via email.
Notification of acceptance/refusal will be after Friday, 25 July.
Community groups or individuals who have presentations accepted will be required to complete the registration process. Special discounted rates apply for Limerick organisations from Regeneration areas. Please indicate on the form whether your group is based or works within one of the Regeneration communities.
For more information about the call for presentation or the conference, visit: