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Limerick City’s First Art for Art’s Sake Tour



Limerick City’s first Art for Art’s Sake Tour, Saturday the 16th of June

Limerick’s first Art for Art’s Sake tour will commence Saturday the 16th of June at 12:00pm outside the Locke Bar on Arthur’s Quay. This walking guided tour will include EVA International venues such as Limerick City Gallery of Art, The Belltable, Faber Studios and The Riverpoint building. We will also tour many other gallery spaces in the city such as Raggle Taggle, The Limerick Printmakers, Ormston House and the upcoming Occupy Space exhibition in Istabraq Hall. Each gallery will have the artist/ curator/ guide available to introduce the space and to answer any questions. There will be a break in between for lunch. Please note that tours are free but any donations are welcome to contribute to the development of Art for Art’s Sake! To book a place on the tour email [email protected].

Art for Art’s sake is an online service for promoting artists and galleries in Ireland, founded by Jennette Donnelly. Within the website, there are reviews of exhibitions, featured artists, featured galleries, news/upcoming events, a monthly online exhibition and information about the Dublin and Limerick Art Tours. The aim of both tours is not only to promote the artists involved, but also the galleries from the established to the grass root. Jennette is also currently establishing an Art for Art’s Sake Gallery in Dublin.

Testimonial for the Dublin Art for Art’s Sake Tour:





“Really enjoyed yesterday’s tour – thank you. To be welcomed by each galleries owner/curator makes it a totally unique experience, in addition to Jennette’s own knowledge and understanding of the art world and a really well planned out route. Highly recommended”
– John Fleming

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.