Limerick Climate Activists: Fridays for Future Limerick are calling on the young and old to show their support in the upcoming climate strike. Picture: Anthony Sheehan/ilovelimerick.
Limerick Climate Activists urge locals to attend Friday’s for Future Global Climate Strike
Next Friday, November 29 is the date for the next Global Climate Strike. Fridays for Future Limerick are calling on everybody to join them in their call for governmental action.
Last September, over one thousand people showed up in Limerick to strike for climate action as part of a Global Climate Strike. Led by local young Fridays for Future climate activists, Limerick’s citizens expressed their concern about the global climate emergency. Around the world, almost 7.5 million people took part in similar strikes that day. Despite this, despite several global strikes in the past year, and despite scientists’ warnings and worldwide evidence, the job of change isn’t done – urgent change is still needed.
New headlines bring home to us -on a daily basis now – the urgency of the climate crisis. In October, wildfires in California displaced over 200,000 people, leftover 1 million without power, and burned over 129 million trees. In Somalia, in October, an estimated 182,000 people were forced to leave their homes due to flooding. Wildfires are burning right now in the Amazon and Australia.
95% of scientists around the world agree that human activities are driving climate change and associated ecological destruction. However, despite scientists’ agreement, the world’s governments don’t seem to be acting fast enough to prevent further climate change.
Fridays for Future Limerick call on young and old alike to join us asking our authorities and governments, again, to take action. If you care, come along to this strike on November 29th. The strike kicks off at 1 pm at Arthur’s Quay.
Fridays for Future Limerick is part of a global initiative that encourages students in every education level to strike in front of their local government buildings. The movement started when sixteen-year-old Greta Thunberg from Sweden spoke out about the lack of action from world leaders and governments, and began striking from school. Greta has since inspired others and started an international movement.
Ireland has recently declared a climate emergency as part of the 2040 strategy, making Ireland the second country in the world to do so. Project Ireland 2040 The First Year: Annual Report 2018 sets out progress achieved in the first year of Project Ireland 2040, including progress in relation to a range of planned investments in climate-action including, investment by the ESB of over €1.1 billion with €250 million in renewable generation projects.
For more information about Fridays for Future, click here.
For more stories about Fridays for Future, click here.
Limerick Climate Activists Limerick Climate Activists