Limerick Filipino Community
There are currently over 600 Filipino’s living in Limerick and most of them work in the healthcare industry so this community is a valuable asset for Limerick. The rest are either working in hotels, restaurants, personal care, and IT. “Our mission is to foster a healthy relationship and mutual respect within the Limerick Filipino Community (LFC). To inspire its members to share and develop their skills, abilities and talents in order to make a progressive, effective, and beneficial impact in its relationships with other Limerick communities,” Tess Conway, The President of the LFC tells me. The LFC also organizes events such as festivals, competitions, and mass meetings every fourth Sunday of the month, and help immigrants to Ireland to settle in and integrate with the local Irish community. A Filipina, Jinkie Fogarty, who has Irish born children, says that strong family ties is what she sees as common values. ‘Filipinos value family as much as we value religion. We see the Irish people as having that same value about family. Limerick is my life. I will live here until the end of my life,’ she tells me.
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