Event News
Limerick Global Climate Strike by Fridays for Future this Friday, September 25
Limerick Global Climate Strike – Pictured at the Limerick Fridays for Future strike in Arthur’s Quay Park in May 2019 as part of the Global Strike for Climate are Leon Kara, Iona Logan, Saoirse Exton, Sadbh Kenny, David McGuirk, Molly Quinn and Tanya Lipper. Picture: Orla McLaughlin/ilovelimerick.
Limerick Global Climate Strike by Fridays for Future this Friday, September 25
This Friday, September 25, is the date for the next Limerick Global Climate Strike. Fridays for Future Limerick are calling on everybody to join them in their call for governmental action.
People will be going on the streets again, fighting for climate justice. Join the Limerick Global Climate Strike at 3pm in Arthur’s Quay Park for a socially distanced and mandatory mask-wearing protest.
The climate crisis is one of the, if not the biggest, crises to face humankind. It means the systemic destruction of the animals and plants that make up our environment and are critical to the survival of the human race.
The World Wide Fund for Nature estimates that one million species of animals and plants will become extinct within the next couple of decades. The youth of Limerick have decided that now is the time to act.
Join us this Friday for our 7th #globalclimatestrike in Arthur’s Quay Park from 3-4pm.
Social Distancing will be implemented and masks are mandatory.
The time for action against the #climatecrisis is now! Bring your placards and your family and let’s change the world!
— Fridays for Future Limerick (@FFFLimerick) September 20, 2020
They are also conscious of the science surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, and here’s what one of the members, Caitlín ní Chaoindealbháin said, “We will be following the guidelines set by the government, we ask everyone to keep 2 metres apart from everyone, wear a mask and to use hand sanitizer. Also, we ask everyone to bring their own poster for we, unfortunately, can’t distribute them. We ask everyone who comes to protest to bring their masks, posters and voices.
“Viruses like Covid-19 will only become more likely with the way we currently treat our planet. Ecocide (the deliberate and needless destruction of the environment) is the cause of more interaction with harmful animal pathogens that when circulated in the human system, can cause a viral infection. People are dying not just because of the rising waters, or the pollution of our rivers, or the toxic gases in the air but also because we are cutting down too many trees and not replacing them and allowing for urban planning to go out the window.”
Limerick is not innocent, but this does not mean that we can just give up.
Join the Limerick Global Climate Strike this Friday, using the hashtag #StailcDigiteach and tagging them on social media:
Twitter: @FFFLimerick
Facebook: @fff.limerick
Instagram: @fridaysforfuture.limerick
Let’s join together, stand up and fight back for our futures and for the future of generations to come.
For more info, click HERE
For more stories on Fridays for Future Limerick, click HERE