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Limerick Grants Under the Arts scheme is available for 2022



Limerick Grants Under the Arts –  Limerick City and County Council provides grant funding to amateur, community or voluntary groups, individuals and organizations within the arts.

Limerick Grants Under the Arts scheme is available for 2022

By I Love Limerick correspondent David Towey

Limerick Grants Under the Arts

The aim of the Limerick Grants Under the Arts Act is to engage citizens through involvement in culture.





Limerick City and County Council are providing grant funding to amateur, community, or voluntary groups, organizations, and individual artists. Applicants must, in the authority’s opinion, stimulate public interest in the arts and promote knowledge, appreciation, and practice of the arts.

The aim of the Limerick Grants Under the Arts scheme is to engage citizens through involvement in culture, use creative approaches to help citizens and visitors re-imagine Limerick, and attract creative practitioners to come live and work in Limerick. 

Painting, sculpture, fine and applied arts, architecture, music, film, theatre, dance, literaturservice4 pservice4 pm organizations, and design are recognized as the arts under the 2003 Arts Act. The awards can be used for the professional development of artists or the arts, or to increase access and participation in the arts.

Artists must be based in Limerick, or operate primarily within Limerick City and County to be eligible for the grant. Artists at all stages of their careers are welcome to apply. Individuals who are currently in, or who will be in undergraduate or post-graduate education are not eligible for the grant. 

The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 4 pm on Wednesday, February 23. All applications are reviewed by an independent selection panel constituted by Limerick City and County Council’s Arts Office. The panel’s proposals are then presented to Limerick City and County Council for consideration.

Projects at any stage are eligible to apply for this funding strand. This means that you can apply for the research and development of your project idea and/or delivery of the project, but it must be taking place in 2022.

Of the Grants Under the Arts scheme, Dr Pippa Little, Culture and Arts Officer for Limerick City and County Council said, “This funding streams provide the opportunity for artists, voluntary and professional groups, to develop artistic and creative work, and to work together.”

To apply for the Limerick Grants Under the Arts scheme go HERE

For more arts stories go HERE

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.