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Limerick Pride reception - Slater will give an enthralling talk on Kilfinnane actress Alice O'Day, who graced the international stage and screen in the 1920s and 30s. Pictured above with Lisa daly, Chairperson of Limerick Pride. Picture: Dolf Patijn/ilovelimerick Limerick Pride reception - Slater will give an enthralling talk on Kilfinnane actress Alice O'Day, who graced the international stage and screen in the 1920s and 30s. Pictured above with Lisa daly, Chairperson of Limerick Pride. Picture: Dolf Patijn/ilovelimerick

Event News

PHOTOS Limerick Pride Grand Marshal Sharon Slater speaks at Pride launch July 4 



Limerick Pride reception – Slater will give an enthralling talk on Kilfinnane actress Alice O’Day, who graced the international stage and screen in the 1920s and 30s. Slater is pictured above with Lisa Daly, Chairperson of Limerick Pride. Picture: Dolf Patijn/ilovelimerick.

Renowned historian and 2022 Limerick Pride Grand Marshal Sharon Slater will speak at the event 

By I Love Limerick correspondent Rachel Petticrew

National LGBT Federation board member Adam Long will give a live address while Limerick movement artist Mark Carberry will also perform.
National LGBT Federation board member Adam Long will give a live address while Limerick movement artist Mark Carberry will also perform.

Limerick Pride Week 2022 will kick off with a wine reception at 6pm, Monday, July 4 at Ormston House in celebration of this year’s theme; A Culture of Pride. 





Renowned historian, Limerick LGBTQ community member and 2022 Pride Grand Marshal, Sharon Slater will give an enthralling talk at the Limerick Pride reception on Kilfinane actress Alice O’Day, who graced the international stage and screen in the 1920s and 30s.

Historian-in-Residence at Ormston House, Slater is widely known for her dedication to researching the history of Limerick. She has received a National Heritage Hero Award and has been honoured with a Limerick Mayoral Reception for her promotion of the City. The author of numerous publications, Slater has received huge praise for her recent publication 100 Women of Limerick, which examines the lives and achievements of women from Limerick City and County who impacted the world in notable ways.

On this year’s Limerick Pride theme, ‘A Culture of Pride’, the historian commented, “So many great changes in society have come from the marginalised rising up. The LGBTQ+ community expressed their identity through art and culture long before it was socially acceptable to do so.

“When asked to be the Limerick Pride 2022 Grand Marshal, I was overwhelmed with emotions,” admitted Slater. “As a gay woman and researcher of history, I have seen the many failures in the past towards members of the LGBTQ+ community. It was only a few short years ago when my wife and I could legally marry in this country, which we did in 2016, we have seen so much progress but still have a way to go for equality.

“It is an honour to stand tall as the Grand Marshall this year, as in doing so I might help others who are still not ready to step out of the closet.”

At the July 4 Limerick Pride reception, National LGBT Federation board member Adam Long will give a live address on the development of LGBTQ rights in Ireland, while Limerick movement artist Mark Carberry will also perform. 

Limerick Pride LGBTQ Festival 2022 will take place from Monday, July 4 until Sunday, July 10, with its Pride Parade happening on Saturday, July 9, featuring a multitude of events from workshops, support meetings and discussions to evenings of music and club nights – catering to the Pride needs of everyone. 

To see the Limerick Pride 2022 programme of events, go HERE

For more Limerick Pride stories, go HERE

Pictures: Olena Oleksienko/ilovelimerick and Kris Luszczki/ilovelimerick

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.