Annual campaign launched by Limerick Public Services to keep us working together – Pictured at the launch were, Dr. Gareth Quin, Emergency Consultant, UHL, Inspector Paul Reidy, Limerick Traffic Corps and Snr. Ass. Chief Fire Officer, Scott Keenan. Picture: Alan Place
Annual campaign launched by Limerick Public Services to keep us working together
Limerick Public Services of Limerick City and County Council, An Garda Síochána and the HSE have joined forces again and are working together to highlight some key safety and wellbeing messages over the coming weeks.
The messages are part of the ongoing co-operation that the three agencies have throughout the year.
The campaign is under the banner #LK Working Together. #LK Working Together highlights the different but connected work that each of the organisations undertakes throughout the year.
It also demonstrates that Limerick Public Services are in constant contact, co-operating on a daily basis, and don’t just get together when there is an emergency.
Strong working links and processes have been built up between the organisations, which ultimately is to the benefit of the people of Limerick.
A three-week radio campaign beginning this week (Monday 13 November) highlights a number of key messages:
Week 1 (Monday 13 November) – focuses on mental health and general well-being, especially during the winter period.
Week 2 (Monday 20 November) – relates to road safety and the impact that crashes have on people and the wider community.
Week 3 (Monday 27 November) – focuses on safer communities and steps people can take to make their homes and communities more secure.
As part of #LK Working Together, the UL Hospitals Group is hosting a talk on ‘Protecting Your Mental Health’ in the Council Offices in Merchant’s Quay on Tuesday 21 November 2017 at 6 pm. It is a free event and members of the public are invited to attend.
The blue-light emergency services are rolling out their ‘Lifesaver’ Project to secondary school pupils across Limerick this Tuesday and Wednesday (14-15 November) at the Great National South Court Hotel in Raheen. The project re-enacts a road crash in dramatic and realistic form, with a minute-by-minute commentary. Its hard-hitting message is to help reduce the numbers of young people involved in road crashes.
In September, LK Working Together worked to devise Healthy Limerick, which aims to improve health and wellbeing of Limerick people through partnership approach.
The approach sees the public service organisations along with state agencies, and the community and voluntary sectors to co-operate and create an environment that breaks down the barriers preventing people reaching their potential.
Conn Murray, Chief Executive of the Limerick City and County Council said: “#LK Working Together shows the commitment that Limerick City and County Council, the HSE and the Gardai place on co-operation. During emergencies such as the recent Storm Ophelia our work together is highly visible, but we work together on a daily basis and #LKWorkingTogether demonstrates this.”
Bernard Gloster, Chief Officer of the HSE Mid West said: “This is year two of the Winter Campaign where we rely on the public to mind themselves and their communities by keeping safe in the winter months. Limerick Public services organisations working together is the only successful way to do Public Service in the 21st century.”
Colette Cowan, Chief Executive of the UL Hospitals Group said: “At UL Hospitals, we are delighted to again partner with Limerick City and County Council, with An Garda Síochána and with Mid West Community Healthcare to reinforce key messages around health and wellbeing and around safety. It is coming up to a time of year when we all look forward to spending as much time as possible with our families and friends. By looking out for one another and taking simple precautions, we can reduce demand on key public services.”
Chief Superintendent David Sheahan of the Limerick Garda Division said: ““An Garda Síochána is extremely conscious of the importance of public sector agencies working together to enhance the safety and quality of life of all the people of Limerick. Enhancing road safety is a collective effort, from road engineering, traffic law enforcement, community engagement and public awareness. There is responsibility on all of us, every time we use our roads, to drive safely and think of others. Failing to do so can have drastic and life-changing consequences.”
The hashtag #LKWorkingTogether used on social media shows that the public services are working in unison to make Limerick a better place for people to live, work and play.
Join the campaign using the hashtag #LKworkingtogether across all Social Media
To read more Limerick Public Services stories on I Love Limerick click here