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Limerick Strand Hotel Neonatal: Stephen O’ Connor, GM Strand Hotel; Professor Roy Philips, Professor of Neonatology, University of Limerick & Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist University Hospital Limerick & University Maternity Hospital Limerick; Marie Carroll, Clinical Midwife Manager, University Maternity Hospital Limerick; Maria O’Gorman Skelly, Strand Hotel; Baby Coca, with Annie and Pat Coleman, who spent 15 weeks in the neonatal unit.

Limerick Strand Hotel supports the Neonatal Unit at University Maternity Hospital to celebrate National Breastfeeding Week

The Four-Star, multi-award-winning Limerick Strand Hotel, has offered its novel support to the neighbouring Neonatal Unit at University Maternity Hospital Limerick (UMHL), coinciding with last weeks’ National Breastfeeding Week (October 1 – 7). 

Three FREE car park spaces will be made available for visiting parents near the entrance of the hotel’s car park from 10 am to 4 pm, specifically for the Neonatal Unit at the Maternity Hospital as very premature babies require regular care and consistent breast milk feeding for the first few weeks/ months.  This initiative will be comforting to parents knowing that they will be able to visit during these times and won’t be charged for parking, making the daunting parental experience a little easier. 





Stephen O’Connor, General Manager said, “Limerick Strand is renowned for championing local charities and associations and spurred to action on this local initiative after one of their former staff members faced a similar experience when her baby was born prematurely. We hope this service will help relieve any unnecessary stress for the families involved.”

University Maternity Hospital, Limerick is the second-largest maternity hospital outside Dublin with an average of 5,000 births per year and the sole provider of obstetrical, midwifery and neonatal intensive care to the Mid-West region. It serves Limerick, Clare and Tipperary N.R. The maternity hospital also accommodates patients from outside the Mid-west region. These include women from North Cork, Tipperary, North Kerry and areas of Offaly. They also provide a tertiary referral for smaller Neonatal Units from outside the region.

Professor Roy Philip, Consultant Neonatologist added, “This is a unique collaboration to support the excellent breastfeeding rate for the very premature babies at UMHL, a great addition to excel Limerick as a breastfeeding-friendly city and a novel example of community support by the hospitality sector of Ireland.” For Marie Carroll, Clinical Midwife Manager at the Neonatal Unit, this was the “culmination of a dream project.”


For details on Limerick Strand click here

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Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.