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At Walk and Talk for Pieta House - Ciara Corcoran (Welfare Ul), Alison Dervan (Mary I Vice president), Mairead Keheo (LIT Vice President) At Walk and Talk for Pieta House - Ciara Corcoran (Welfare Ul), Alison Dervan (Mary I Vice president), Mairead Keheo (LIT Vice President)


Limerick students Walk and Talk for Pieta House



Walk and Talk for Pieta House – Pictured above: Student Union representatives, Ciara Corcoran, Welfare UL,  Alison Dervan, Mary Immaculate College Vice President, Mairead Keheo, LIT Vice President. Picture: Johnny Baynes/ilovelimerick. 

Walk and Talk for Pieta HouseMary Immaculate College Students’ Union (MISU), Limerick Institute of Technology Students’ Union (LITSU), University of Limerick Students’ Union ( ULSU) and Limerick Sports Partnership have come together to organise a fundraising walk for all of Limerick’s Third Level students in aid of Pieta House. Walk and Talk for Pieta House 

Pieta House is the centre for the prevention of self-harm or suicide opened its doors a decade ago with Lucan in County Dublin the centre of operations. In the intervening years Pieta House have seen and helped over 20,000 people in suicidal distress or engaging in self-harm.

Organisers say the aim of the fundraiser is to show a united front in relation to the issues of mental health awareness and suicide prevention. This week marks the Mental Health Awareness week in UL and various events including an appearance by Bressie and the courtyard outside the students union being filled with puppies and volunteers handing out chocolate to name but a few.





The Walk and Talk took place on Tuesday (5th April) at 8pm from The Potato Market, Merchant’s Quay. The event was centred around the bridges of Limerick City to show solidarity for those we have lost and raise awareness for those who are struggling.

The issues of mental health awareness and suicide prevention affect every community,” commented MISU Vice President and event organiser, Alison Dervan. “The Student Unions of Limerick feel it is important to show we all stand together in raising awareness and much needed funds for Pieta House.”

The event is open to the general public with registration available at and at MISU, LITSU  and ULSU. Entry: Adult €10, Student €6. Donations can also be made at each Students’ Union reception.

For more information contact MISU Vice President/Event Co-ordinator Alison Dervan at [email protected].

Visit Mary I’s student union here

Visit LIT’s student union here

Visit UL’s student union here

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.