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Limerick Young Artists Showcase at the Milk Market Limerick Young Artists Showcase at the Milk Market


Limerick Young Artists Showcase at the Milk Market



Pictured Above: Artists involved in the showcase with Cllr. Michael Sheahan. Picture by: Ashlea Rondozai.

Limerick Young Artists Showcase at the Milk MarketAnyone who happens to be in Limerick City on Sunday June 21st is in for a treat, when a number of Limerick’s key arts groups perform dance, music and poetry for audiences in the Milk Market. Dancers from the Make a Move festival, poets from the exciting young Stanzas Group and members of Garryowen Comhaltas will form just some of the array of talent in a free event for audiences of all ages during the hours preceding the Limerick Tipperary match.

The showcase of work heralds a series of festive events that are due to take place in Limerick over the summer months. Ashlea Rondezai and her co-dancers will give a taste of what is to come during the Make a Move festival which takes place in Limerick City over the first weekend in July. Shane Vaughan and Jared Nadin join with other young poets from the very new Stanzas group and will perform some of their work, as will young musicians from the Garryowen Comhaltas and musicians from a range of groups in Limerick City and County.

The Mayor of the Metropolitan Area, Cllr. Michael Sheahan, will be on hand to welcome and encourage the talents of our young artists across a range of disciplines. As the Mayor completes his term of office, he has invited some of Limerick’s younger artists to join him in a celebration of the broad range of cultural projects that are currently on offer to young people living in Limerick.





So, if you have a half an hour before the match, why not pay a visit to the Milk Market from 12:30pm on Sunday June 21

Read more about events at the Milk Market here

Find more information on the Milk Market website here.

Check out the Milk Market on their Facebook here, and their Twitter here.



Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.