Limerick Youth Service Trainee Bakers Graduate: Paul O’Brien, LYS with trainee Shane Thompson and Evelyn O’Keeffe-Sheehan, LCETB at Limerick Youth Service.
Limerick Youth Service Trainee Bakers Graduate in Professional Bakery course
There were joyous scenes at Limerick Youth Service (LYS) recently as trainees with a Diploma in Professional Bakery course were honoured at a presentation ceremony. The trainees, who were cheered on by their classmates, friends, staff and family at a packed Paradise Restaurant at LYS’ Community Training Centre were presented with their scrolls by Evelyn O’Keeffe-Sheehan, Limerick Clare Education & Training Board.
Welcoming the young people, LYS Instructor Elaine McCarthy congratulated the trainees on their graduation and for their dedication and commitment to the bakery course. Speaking to the graduates, Elaine McCarthy said “you have been a great group and have gone above and beyond in your time with us. We are so proud to see that many of you have progressed to further education and employment, you are great role models for your peers and future trainees with LYS.”
As part of the Limerick Soviet centenary celebrations, the trainees took part in the ‘Continuing in their Refusal’ project with Ms Ryan. The project covered the social and political history 1919 event with young people producing specially themed Soviet Bread. The trainees also enjoyed great success at the Alliance Bakery Students & Trainees (ABST) Annual Conference in the United Kingdom, one of the most prestigious events in the baking industry.
The Bakery Class 2019 were: Tameka Bell, Amy Benn, Liz Byrne, Jennifer McAllister, Paul Roche and Shane Thompson. LYS would like to congratulate the trainees on their success and wish them the best of luck in their futures endeavours. The Diploma in Professional Bakery is an FDQ/QQI Level 4 course that is delivered at LYS’ Community Training Centre, Lr. Glentworth St, Limerick. As part of the Bakery Diploma, the trainees studied a number of modules that included baking, understanding of ingredients, the methodology used to produce bread, pastry and confectionery products in addition to periods of work experience.
LYS’ Community Training Centre is supported by the Limerick & Clare Education & Training Board, Solas and the European Social Fund.
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For more information about Limerick Youth Service, go here.