Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival 2015
The Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival is an annual festival that has been running for the last four years and it marks a celebration of Learning across the Limerick Region. This year’s festival will be on from Monday 23 to Sunday 29 of March, 2015. The festival theme for 2015 is ‘Learning for Positive Living’ which will hopefully inspire many new ideas for events. 2014’s festival featured nearly 200 event which were organised and run by community groups, schools and organisations across Limerick city and county, allowing everyone to have the opportunity to join in. The Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival is organised by the Learning Limerick Group which is hosted by Limerick City and County Council and is a reprehensive of the main partners involved in promoting learning across the City and County.
The Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival Organising Committee is currently searching for groups and organisations to host learning events as part of the Festival this year. Events can vary from demonstrations to workshops, introductory classes to seminars, performances and exhibitions. The criteria in regard to each event for the festival must be free, creative and open to everyone. Festival Co-Ordinator, Yvonne Lane, says “Hosting an event as part of the LLL Festival is a fantastic avenue for groups to showcase what they have to offer, and is a tremendous way to be involved in the promotion of leaning as all-inclusive, readily available and vibrant in Limerick.” The Organising Committee of the Festival want to hear from any group or organisation looking to host events from Limerick City and County. All event ideas should be registered as soon as possible as then deadline date for submission of event information is Monday 9 February, 2015.
If you are interested in being involved in the Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival, contact Yvonne on 061-419388 or email [email protected]
Check out their Facebook here
Check out their Twitter here
For more stories about Limerick Lifelong Festivals, click here.