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LIT President Professor Vincent Cunnane with Minister Mary Mitchell O’Connor. Photograph by Eamon Ward

Lit awarded close to €2 Million for necessary Improvements and Funding

LIT awarded 750,000 euro towards minor capital works on its five campuses

LIT has been awarded three-quarters of a million euro towards small-scale and necessary infrastructure works and improvements. The Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh T.D. and the Minister of State for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O’Connor T.D today (Wednesday) announced €10 million funding in capital grants for the country’s 11 institutes of technology (IOT) and TU Dublin. The €10 million funding will be provided to the institutions of technology through the Higher Education Authority (HEA). 





The investment is being made under Project Ireland 2040 for the current academic year and the money will be used on small-scale and necessary infrastructure works and improvements. LIT is to receive €750,000 of the capital funding available to carry out minor works, make small but important improvements on campuses and upgrade equipment.

Welcoming the announcement President of LIT Professor Vincent Cunnane said, “This funding is essential for maintenance and upgrade works on all of LIT’s campuses. This funding can be accessed for essential refurbishment works, to upgrade IT, to make health and safety improvements and make buildings more energy-efficient.”

Minister Mitchell O’Connor said, “Previous rounds of this scheme have had a significant positive impact on campus development. For example, institutions have been supported to upgrade their laboratories, to replace obsolete ICT equipment, to install energy-efficient lighting, and to repurpose existing spaces in line with the needs of students and staff.”

Lit awarded

LIT President Professor Vincent Cunnane with Minister Mary Mitchell O’Connor. Photograph by Eamon Ward

LIT awarded more than €400,000 from the Regional Technology Clustering Fund for the establishment of a one-stop-shop to assist SMEs in all aspects of digital transformation.

Limerick Institute of Technology has been awarded more than €400,000 from the Regional Technology Clustering Fund for the establishment of Irish Digital Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing Cluster (IDEAM)  – a one-stop-shop that will assist Manufacturing SMEs in all aspects of digital transformation and Industry 4.0. 

This week the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Heather Humphreys TD and Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh TD confirmed that 12 successful applicants to the Regional Technology Clustering Fund had been selected through a rigorous evaluation process, which was based on criteria including a project’s significance for innovation. 

IDEAM received the maximum allocation of €406,520 from the €4.6 million funds, a fund that provides a platform for engagement between enterprise and regionally-based academic institutions to drive productivity and competitiveness in and across the regions.

 IDEAM will bring together and support the growth of three individual networks, namely Limerick for Engineering, Limerick for IT and the Precision and Turned Parts Manufacturing Association (PTMA) through an overarching cluster. The cluster will help more than 70 Manufacturing SMEs, from all over Ireland, to increase productivity, improve competitiveness and expand into international markets. 

President of LIT Professor Vincent Cunnane said IDEAM will further strengthen the collaboration between industry and LIT. “The IDEAM cluster will enable LIT to connect and engage further with SMEs providing a means to increase their educational and research remit in all aspects of digital transformation and Industry 4.0,” said Professor Cunnane. “The Regional Technology Clustering Fund, which is supporting the cluster, was designed to help strengthen collaboration between industry leaders and Higher Education Institutions with a view to enhanced balanced regional development.

 For more information on The Limerick Institute of Technology click here.

For more stories on Lit click here.




Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.