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Live 95FM National Fundraising Ireland Awards Live 95FM National Fundraising Ireland Awards


Live 95FM National Fundraising Ireland Awards nomination



Dr Roy Philips Children’s Ark University Hospital, Joe Nash CEO Live 95 FM, Suzanne O’Brien 95 Stop Tour Coordinator Fergal Deegan Marketing and Sales Manager 95FM and Mary Madden CARI Supervisor. Live 95FM National Fundraising Ireland Awards

Mary Madden of CARI Limerick recently nominated Limericks Live 95FM in the National Fundraising Ireland Awards.  We are delighted to announce that they have been shortlisted for the best corporate charity section. The winner will be announced on Friday 8th April in the DoubleTree by Hilton in Dublin. An award ceremony will take place that evening and the judging panel will decide on the winner of this prestigious award.  The 95 Stop Tour have raised over €406,000 over the past 6 years for Limerick kids and they would like to sincerely thank everyone who contributed throughout the entire City and County.

Every cent raised from the 95 Stop Tour for Limerick kids was divided between  CARI, Chrildrens Ark in the University Hospital Limerick and the Neonatal Unit in the Maternity Hospital Limerick.

The funds that CARI received went directly to provide therapy services for children and their families effected by child sexual abuse.  It also provided life-saving equipment for the Childrens Ark and the Neonatal Unit in the Maternity Hospital, Limerick.





Limerick Live 95FM Research Co-ordinator Suzanne O’Brien said that:

“We are thrilled here at Limerick’s Live 95FM to have made the shortlist for the National Awards for Excellence in Fundraising for the 95 Stop Tour for Limerick Kids.

It’s a real testament to the people of Limerick City and County who get involved year after year and hold the fundraising events, and donate to the 95 Stop Tour.  Without them, we would not be able to keep raising vital funds for CARI Limerick, The Childrens Ark University Hospital and the Neonatal Unit in the Maternity Hospital, Limerick.”

Suzanne O’Brien, Coordinator of Live 95FM’S 95 Stop Tour for Limerick Kids also would like to give special thank you to Joe Nash CEO and to Fergal Deegan (Marketing & Sales) and the 95FM team for their huge contribution and hard work on an ongoing basis. Suzanne also said “we wish them the best of luck on the night as they are already winners in our eyes.”

Visit the CARI Foundation official website here

Visit the Live 95 website here



Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.