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Learn More about MIC’s Leading Degrees with the MIC In Conversation Instagram Sessions

MIC in conversation Instagram sessions will be held for leaving certificate students.

Learn More about MIC’s Leading Degrees with the MIC In Conversation Instagram Sessions 

Following on from the recent MIC Instagram Live Q&A Sessions, which gave potential applicants the opportunity to have their queries Mary Immaculate College and its degrees answered by College experts, MIC is delighted to announce that a further series of ‘In Conversation’ Live Instagram Sessions will run from the Tuesday, June 16 right up to the CAO Change of Mind deadline on Wednesday, July 1.

According to Dr Patrick Cosgrove, MIC Student Recruitment Officer“The Instagram Live Q & A sessions were extremely popular with leaving certificate students, guidance counsellors and mature students, from all over the country, participating in the event.

The ‘In Conversation’ sessions will see programme co-ordinators go into more depth about each degree covering areas such as programme content, assessment modes and career opportunities.







They will also answer questions that, due to time constraints, were not addressed during the Live Q & A sessions. To ensure that as many people as possible can engage with the series each one is scheduled at 7 pm in the evening and we have included a dedicated session on MIC Student Support Services.”

Each session will be hosted by Dr Patrick Cosgrove, MIC Student Recruitment Officer.





  • Thursday 25 June (7 pm): Bachelor of Arts  with Professor Michael Breen, Dean of the Faculty of Arts


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Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.