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The MIC Postgraduate Information Evening will include an overview of all postgraduate courses and services available at MIC. 

Mary Immaculate College (MIC) has for decades been a leading provider of postgraduate education at Graduate Diploma, Taught Masters, Research Masters and Doctoral levels in both Arts and Education. You will have the opportunity to find out why at the MIC Postgraduate Information Evening on Thursday November 10 from 6pm – 8pm (T118, Tara Building, MIC Campus, Limerick).

The MIC Postgraduate Information Evening will include an overview of all postgraduate courses and services available at MIC, including an extensive array of new doctoral programmes in areas as diverse as Educational and Child Psychology, Irish Studies, Applied Linguistics, and Development Education and Practice. Information regarding application procedures, funding opportunities, and graduate skills training will also be included in this session. Following this, participants will have an opportunity to meet with course co-ordinators, on an individual basis, for detailed course outlines and requirements.

The postgraduate community at MIC is a vibrant and expanding one, with over 100 PhD researchers and 250 Master’s students. Graduate students coming to MIC find a vast array of postgraduate programmes to choose from including specialised taught MA programmes in Language and English Literature, Media Studies, Theology, German Studies, and History, amongst others. In the Faculty of Education, students in MIC’s renowned Masters of Education programmes develop knowledge and understanding in specialist areas such as special educational needs, information and communication technologies, early childhood care and education, science and technology, adult and continuing education, development education and educational disadvantage, in combination with applied real world research in schools, classrooms, communities and workplaces. The Faculty of Education offers a range of programmes including Masters Programmes in Music Education, Education and the Well-Being of the Older Person and Education and the Arts as well as a Certificate in Adult and Further Education and a Graduate Diploma/ M. Ed. in Information and Communication Technologies in Primary Education.





According to Prof. Jim Deegan, Head of Graduate Studies at MIC; “Mary Immaculate College provides innovative and creative ways for engaging postgraduate students in new learning environments and supportive supervisory contexts. The Research and Graduate School design graduate skills and training opportunities to meet the developmental needs of students and to help enhance their employability at home and abroad. We endeavour to give our postgraduate students a real sense of belonging in a community of practice.” 

For further details on courses at MIC, click here
To read more on Mary Immaculate College, click here.

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.