Midwest Interfaith Network social event taking place this weekend
Midwest Interfaith Network social event taking place this weekend
By ilovelimerick correspondent Frances Watkins
On Saturday October 28th the Desmond Centre will be the place to be as a free community Midwest Interfaith Network social event Meet, Greet & Eat event gets underway.
To celebrate the long weekend the MidWest Interfaith Network and their friends will be hosting a community get together MidWest Interfaith Network social event from 1.30p.m. at the Desmond Complex Dining Room. Both newly arrived and long time residents of Newcastle West – people of all ages, all faiths, and all walks of life – will be coming together to meet, eat and have a good time.
Well-known Limerick singer Noirin Ni Riain and a wide variety of musicians will be coming to the party to entertain everyone. And like any good community get together there’ll be plenty of tea, coffee, snacks and lots of opportunities to chat and mingle and get to know your neighbours.
Trisha Rainsford, Secretary of the Limerick Bahá’í Assembly told ilovelimerick about why they organised the event “A number of newly arrived Syrian families from Newcastlewest travelled by bus to the city to take part in the St Patrick’s day parade with the Midwest Interfaith Network last March, as a display of support for interfaith, intercultural dialogue and understanding so we thought we might visit them at home!”.
The Mid-West Interfaith Network is comprised of people from many diverse faiths and cultures, which aim to encourage awareness, and to promote mutual understanding and respect of different traditions followed by people in Limerick. Since its inception in 2010, the Network has organised a number of events – multi-faith devotional meetings, participation in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and a visit to President Mary McAleese, to name a few.In the past
In the past decade Ireland has become an increasingly multi-religious and multi-cultural society and our need to learn more about people from other traditions is growing. Everyone knows that religious and cultural differences can be a cause of tension, or even violence, but often people don’t realise how powerful ordinary relationship building, can be even in the face of serious problems.
Halloween isn’t just about ghouls and ghosts and trick-or-treat, it’s also about getting to know your neighbours. So ‘scare’ up a crowd! Bring the whole family, as well as your friends and neighbours, and come on over to the Meet, Eat & Greet at the Desmond Complex next Saturday! Everyone is welcome to the Midwest Interfaith Network social event.
For more stories on the Midwest Interfaith Network click here
For more on Midwest Interfaith Network click here