National Forum Seminar at Mary Immaculate College Thurs 30th April
The second National Forum seminar hosted by MIC will take place on Thursday 30th April in Mary Immaculate College with Understanding and Supporting Access Transitions in Higher Education: evidence from best practice as its theme.
Keynote speech will be delivered by Dr. Ted Fleming, Emeritus, Maynooth University, who will speak on Educating Non-Traditional Students in Higher Education. This paper will present some recent research findings from across the EU; identifying key narratives and voices of students as they attempt to reach their goals and dreams of university education and will interpret these narratives as supporting a critical theory of access.
Other speakers include Dr. Rhona McCormack, UL who will talk about the The role of a mature student access certificate in supporting transition to and retention in undergraduate studies; Anne O’Byrne, MIC, whose talk is entitled Including Students with Intellectual Disability in Mary Immaculate college – Opportunity and Challenge; Dr. Geraldine Brosnan, Director of Student Life, MIC, who will be looking at Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning Environment of Irish Higher Education Adult Access Courses and Margaret O’Keeffe, MIC, who will talk about Adult Learners in Transition.
Speaking about the forthcoming event Director of Student Life, MIC, Dr. Geraldine Brosnan said, “We are delighted to host this event at Mary Immaculate College as MIC has a long tradition of inclusive education and in enhancing access pathways. This event will provide an opportunity to further develop the discussion around access transitions in higher education in addition to providing a unique opportunity to share best practices”.
The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education was established in November 2012 by the Minister for Education and Skills in order to enhance the quality of the learning experience for all students at third level, be they full-time, part-time or flexible learners. The Forum calls together all of those involved in shaping third-level teaching and learning in Ireland in order to support and develop excellent practices in teaching and learning by engaging with leaders, managers and teachers across all institutes of education at third level in Ireland. In doing so, the National Forum mobilises expertise and inputs from across the entire sector to shape best practice in the institutes of education. The National Forum has funded over 40 seminars in Irish higher education institutes in this academic year with MIC receiving funding for both this seminar and the very successful seminar entitled ‘Building an evidence base for enhanced digital pedagogy for online learning’ held in February and hosted by the Centre for Teaching and Learning, MIC.
Understanding and Supporting Access Transitions in Higher Education: evidence from best practice is a free event and includes lunch. Further information available from [email protected]
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