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Launch of the new LCETB Further Education and Training Centre Launch of the new LCETB Further Education and Training Centre


Launch of the new LCETB Further Education and Training Centre



Pictured: Paul Patton, LCETB Education and Training Officer; George O’Callaghan, LCETB Chief Executive; Minister of Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan, TD and Declan O’Neill.

Launch of the new LCETB Further Education and Training Centre

Pictured: Paul Patton, LCETB Education and Training Officer; Joan Aherne, LCETB Chairperson; Minister of Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan, TD; George O’Callaghan, LCETB Chief Executive

The Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan officially opened the new LCETB Further Education and Training Centre – Kilmallock Road (formally St Enda’s School) on Monday, October 5.

Building on a local history of vibrant adult and community education, as well as a strong community network, the newly refurbished centre offers modern, spacious and fully accessible facilities for adults in Limerick City and County. A wide range of full-time and part-time courses will be offered through programmes such as VTOS, Literacy, Community Education, Youthreach, Back to Education Initiative programmes and LFCE.





It is envisaged that the campus will accommodate over four to five hundred students on a phased basis over the next three years. It has a unique potential to become a hub for community learning and development in the area. It fits within the national SOLAS FET Strategy 2014-2019 ‘to include levels of active inclusion through the provision of high quality, more accessible and flexible education, training and skills development interventions and supports suited to the individual’.

The Minister also congratulated the Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board on the publication of its new Further Education and Training Strategic Framework 2015-2020. Its vision is that ‘Quality further education and training will inspire people to realise their personal and professional potential and contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of the region.’

“Today we are marking two important milestones for LCETB – the opening of this fantastic education and training centre and the publication of its Strategic Framework for Further Education and Training.  It is entirely appropriate that we mark both developments at the same time – delivering quality education requires modern, welcoming facilities, and it also requires a strategic vision.  I want to wholeheartedly congratulate LCETB on successfully launching both today.”

“This new Education and Training Centre builds on the long tradition of adult and community education in the area and students will now have access to the latest technology and high quality teaching in a spacious and welcoming campus.  I would urge everyone in Limerick to take time to examine the excellent and varied courses that are available here and to consider the benefits of taking a course.

I have every confidence that this great new facility will go from strength-to-strength over the coming years.  LCETB has a clear and ambitious vision for its future and I would like to commend LCETB for adopting its strategic plan out to 2020.  It builds upon a legacy of community engagement and charts an exciting course for the future, a course that everyone in Limerick should be proud of.”

The Strategy is an umbrella framework, which will promote a shared vision across the LCETB FET service, and guide its FET centres, colleges, programmes and services in the next 5 years. It sets out four service-wide strategic priorities: 1) Access and Progression 2) Quality Teaching & Learning, 3) Stakeholder Engagement and 4) Effectiveness & Accountability in Governance & Leadership.

The implementation of this Strategy in the next 5 years will have a positive impact on the quality and relevance of the LCETB FET provision to meet the needs of the people, communities and employers in Limerick and Clare.

On the day, former VTOS student – Declan O’Neil, spoke about his experience of Adult Education over the years, and the positive impact it had on his life. The Minister also presented Gaisce Bronze medals to three Youthreach Leaving Cert students: Mary-Ann Phelan, Molly Moloney, Patrick Hehir.

The President’s Award is an award for young people for who have set and achieved a demanding challenge in Community involvement, Personal skill, Physical recreation and Adventure journey.

For more information on Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board see HERE 

For more stories on Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board see HERE

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.