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No15 Le Maison de Curio No15 Le Maison de Curio


No15 Le Maison de Curio is any fashionistas heaven



No15 Le Maison de Curio – Pictured above, owner Lorraine. Picture by Sarah Hayes/I Love Limerick.

No15 Le Maison de Curio

No15 Le Maison de Curio

When you think No.15, brands such as CoCo Chanel au de parfum springs to mind but let me put a new thought in your mind! Having started the business just 5 years ago in 2011 Lorraine O Connell’s, No 15 Le Maison de Curio Limerick is becoming quite the well-known name across Limerick City & County.

When you walk into the store on Anne Street your breath will be taken away as you step into any fashionista’s heaven! Between the colorful grand piano located in the center of the room, to the neatly decorated cabinets No.15 is a true taste of class & fashion.





There isn’t a section of fashion that No.15 hasn’t attacked and conquered! The store caters to people looking for Costume Jewellery, Wedding Jewellery, Handbags, Hat Hire, Tiara/Bridal Hair ornaments, Scarves, Hair Accessories, Sunglasses, Umbrellas and so many other fantastic pieces!

No15 Le Maison de Curio

No15 Le Maison de Curio – Pre loved wedding dress

One of the newest ranges brought to the store has been pre-loved wedding dresses. With a budget to suit every walk of life, No.15 is a brilliant place to spend any Saturday shopping afternoon away in. If that isn’t impressive enough to you, they have a €10,000 Vera Wang wedding dress on the rails for just €800. It well worth stopping by and even browsing the dresses as you never know what you may find.

No.15 also stock real vintage clothing pieces and originals from the 1930s up as far as the 1980s, with so many trends covered between those years not having enough selection is not an option in No.15.

The owner of the store runs the business sticks to the motto of keeping busy and being involved with local businesses throughout Limerick, “we all should help each other out, a little competition is always good to keep you on your toes” Lorraine told me. No 15 recently appeared during the Lesley Ann Lidane Vintage fair and showcased all their amazing vintage pieces!

With a personality that would fill a room, Lorraine is happy to help with all ages and walks of life that enter her store to get them the outfit that they really want or need for an event!

For the future, watch out for No.15 as Lorraine plans to expand and re brand the store and brand! It’s definitely a store to pop into as you won’t be disappointed.

By I Love Limerick Correspondent, Sarah Hayes

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Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.