Higher Education PPP Programme – Progress has been made on LIT’s Applied Science & IT building as the Higher Education PPP Programme has been approved LIT...
Centre of Excellence Award for ETB hospitality education and training centre. Pictured are Bernadette Enright, Centre Manager Hospitality Education and Training Centre Gerard Moylan, Will King,...
COVID19 Stability Funding – St Munchin’s Community Centre has received €194,676.27 from the fund. Pictured above are the St Munchins Meals On Wheels crew. St Munchins...
AIT LIT Consortium will join its RUN-EU (Regional University Network – European Union) partners in creating one of several new European universities capable of transcending languages,...
HEA Graduate Outcome Survey – LIT has the highest rate of full-time employment in any higher education institution outside of Dublin. Picture: Alan Place. More students...
Springboard funding LIT will enable Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) to increase its offering of targeted courses in areas of high workplace demand by almost 30...
ULHG Intermediate Care Facility: The Multi Disciplinary Team pictured at the opening of the Intermediate Care Facility in UL Sport Arena on June 8th, 2020. ULHG Intermediate...
Stability Fund recipients include Cliona’s Foundation, Gateway to Education Limerick and many others. Pictured are (left to right) Terry Ring, Clionas Foundation and Helen Wycherley, National...
Limericks Gateway to Education CEO and Founder, Suzanne Roche (middle) pictured with Dermot O’Donnell, SOLA Quality and Governance and Federation of Ireland Development Manager (left), and...
St Gabriels June respite: The creation of a June Programme has brought much-needed respite for both the children and parents. But funding is now required to...
Councillor Sarah Kiely, newly elected Cathaoirleach of the Metropolitan District of Limerick Photograph Liam Burke/Press 22 Councillor Sarah Kiely elected as Limerick’s new metropolitan district chairperson...
LIT Class of 2020: Professor Vincent Cunnane, President of Limerick Institute of Technology. Picture Sean Curtin True Media. LIT President strongly encourages Class of 2020 to...
Frieda Breen’s work. LSAD, LIT Sculpture graduates achieve Limerick City Gallery of Art & National Sculpture Factory awards LIMERICK School of Art and Design,...
UL Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) located in the UL Sport Arena was opened, by UL Clinical Director Paul Burke, President Dr Des Fitzgerald and Colette Cowan,...
LIT Graduate Showcase 2020 features a specially commissioned documentary produced former student Pat Short together with current lecturer Simon Maguire. WATCH LSAD, LIT Graduate Showcase 2020...
Limerick mobility plan: Limerick City and County Council is to turn Covid-19 restrictions into an opportunity to trial a range of innovative measures. Limerick mobility plan...