Castleconnell Autumn Concert Series 2019 Esmé Quartet – Sihoo Kim Castleconnell Autumn Concert Series 2019: Act of exceptional achievement and promise Esme Quartet is set to...
Pictured at the Small Business Innovation Research Award (SBIR) at Fab Lab are Tom Cassidy, Conservation Officer, Marguerite Bourke, Enterprise Ireland, Ciaran Reeves, Senior Executive Planner,...
Eigse Michael Harnett 2019: Michael Hartnett’s brothers John and Denis with a portrait of the poet and Ailbhe NI Ghearbhuigh, winner of the 2019 Michael Hartnett...
Going for Gold Wildcards 2019 launched in Limerick. Deputy Mayor Cllr Gerald Mitchell and Gerry Boland of the JP McManus Charitable Foundation have launched the Limerick...
“Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh is one of the best and most exciting poets to have emerged in recent years,” the judges Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill and Gabriel Fitzmaurice...
Culture Night 2019 promises to be is an all-island public event that celebrates culture, creativity and the arts. Pictured at the 2017 Culture Night enjoying the...
New Climate Action plan: Minister Bruton came to Tait House Community Enterprise to discuss how we can take action locally and globally on climate action on...
Pictured at the launch at the Limerick Strand of ADHD Ireland Midwest services are; Helga Heylen, Evelyn Pepperrell, Dr Margo Wrigley and Ken Kilbride Welcoming ADHD...
Student Enterprise Programme 2019: LEO Limerick Students Enterprise in Merchants Quay with Mayor of Limerick City and County Council, Michael Sheahan. Picture: Keith Wiseman. Calling all...
Leon’s Lifeline radio telethon- Limerick City Community Radio is holding a radio ‘telethon’ to help send 22-year-old Limerick man Leon O’Connor who has multiple sclerosis to...
Bingo Wings is the new show of Limerick’s resident circus company Fidget Feet. They will be performing at the Lime Tree Theatre this September. Bingo Fever...
Kings Island Flood Relief Scheme: Pictured above is the after photo of the scheme once the project is carried out. An information night will be held...
Castleconnell Concert Series 2019: It promises to be a night to remember, with classical music being played throughout the night. Pictured: The Esmé Quartet. International flavour...
Hospital Arts Festival 2019: Just under a week-long, the Festival will be a hotspot for cultural gathering, with artists, dancers, actors and poets coming together to...
Step Up Dance Project 2019 plays host to some of Ireland’s most promising contemporary dance graduates. Pictured (L-R) at the Irish World Academy of Music and...
New Homes for the Elderly to be built on King John’s Castle Parking Space Project underway to build up to 27 houses to home the elderly,...