Leaving Cert Applied Class 2019 with their teachers & instructors at Limerick Youth Service. Top Marks for Limerick Youth Service LCA Students There were joyous and...
ABST Annual Conference – Pictured (L-R) are Limerick Youth Service trainees Shane Boylan, Tameka Bell (on behalf of Ruby Schlictenberger) & Shane Thompson with Sarah Autton,...
The Pride Youth Party is to be held at Lava Javas youth Café by the Limerick Youth Service GOSHH. Limerick Youth Service GOSHH to host Limerick’s...
Stars shine at youth factor, Limerick Youth Service’s annual variety show Dancing troupes, singers, poets, and musicians took to the stage at LIT’s Millennium Theatre this...
Limerick Youth Service Christmas Fair 2018: Santa Claus takes time out from his busy period to stop by Limerick Youth Services Community Training Centre Annual Limerick...
West Limerick Youth Leaders have just completed a youth leadership training programme with Limerick Youth Service (LYS) at the Burren Outdoor Activity Centre, Co. Clare. New...
Limerick Youth Service Leaving Cert Applied Class 2018 with staff from Limerick Youth Service. Limerick Youth Service Leaving Cert students get top marks. Limerick Youth Service...
Limerick Youth Service girls from the D’Islanders Youth Group at Anfield’s media centre. Limerick Youth Service girls visit Liverpool from the Island Field A trip to the Blue...
Limerick Youth Service (LYS) & GOSHH will host Limerick Pride Youth Party 2018 at Lava Javas Youth Cafe, Lr Glentworth St, Limerick on Friday, July 6th...
LYS’ Cathal Dillion with Brian Kinsella, Adam Moynihan, Tommy Duggan (LYS) & Edward Carroll at the Limerick Youth Service Repair Your Rothar Workshop at the Northside...
Limerick Youth Service & Music Generation are teaming up for Limerick Summer Creative Arts Music Programme across the City & County. Limerick Youth Service and Music...
Sarah-Leigh Quinn, Troy Porter, Lee McAllister, Tiffany McAllister & Takashi Tnokibara, Limerick Youth Service LCA Class students present a cheque for to Milford Care Centre. Limerick...
Young people & staff at LYS celebrating Limerick Youth Service National Bike Week in The Factory Southside Youth Space, Galvone, Limerick. Picture: John Power. Limerick Youth...
The Limerick Youth Service have provided a short and handy Exam Study Guidelines article for anyone facing into exams this June. Leaving and Junior Cert Exam...
Remembering their travels and looking forward to the Limerick Youth Service European Reunion happening soon. Picture courtesy of Limerick Youth Service. Limerick Youth Service European Reunion of...
Young people of the Limerick Youth Service honoured at the celebration of learning at the Abundant Life Centre, presented with certificates of Achievement for their great...