Limerick Young people participated in Limerick Youth Service Youth Factor 2018, held in The Millenium Theatre. Teens Talent Showcased at Limerick Youth Service Youth Factor 2018 Young...
The Bakery Project, one of a number of education & training courses that will be discussed at Limerick Youth Service community day. Limerick Youth Service community...
Pictured at the awards ceremony for Limerick Youth Service Bike Project at The Factory Southside Youth Space, Galvone, Limerick this past week are (from left) Chris...
West Limerick Youth Service New Junior Leaders Pictured at the Burren, Co. Clare. Picture courtesy of Limerick Youth Service. Ten New Youth Leaders for West Limerick...
Limerick Youth Service On Yer Bike programme: Teens brave the spring chill at the cycle through the Ballyhoura Hills with Limerick Youth Service’s Bike Project Teen Cyclists...
The staff of Limerick Youth Service with Santa at last years Christmas Fair. Father Christmas is due to make an appearance again at this year’s Limerick...
Children’s Ombudsman to visit Limerick Youth Service on November 8 Limerick Youth Service is delighted to announce that the Children’s Ombudsman, Dr. Niall Muldoon, will visit...
Come along to the Limerick Youth Service Teddy Bears Pig-nic on September 30th. Limerick Youth Service Teddy Bears Pig-nic as part of Pigtown Festival As part...
Members of the Limerick Youth Service Leaving Cert Applied class pictured with their teachers and instructors. Top Marks for Limerick Youth Service Leaving Cert Applied Class...
Limerick Youth Service Malta Visit Helps Teens Turn the KEY – Members of Limerick Youth Service arrive at Valletta Airport, Malta ahead of The KEY Youth...
Trainees Roxanna Szabo & Albert Dowie display their course work from one of the Limerick Youth Service courses, the Bakery Project. A Second Chance with Limerick...
Limerick Youth Service Conor Mcgregor gym visit: Aaron O’Halloran, Anthony McNamara Evan Madigan with John Kavanagh at Straight Blast Gym. Limerick Youth Service Conor McGregor gym...
Limerick Youth Service Young Bakers Roxanna Szabo, Stacey McCarthy & Jordan Walsh, trainees at LYS’s Community Training Centre with instructor Paul O’Brien displaying their trophy haul....
Pictured are the local duo Distant Youth, who started out playing their music with Limerick Youth Service at the Limerick Youth Service Summer Music Workshops Limerick...
Members of Limerick Youth Service & UL with colleagues at the Limerick Be Heard Conference. UL and Limerick Youth Service host Limerick Be Heard conference A...
The Limerick Youth Service’s 2017 Exams Guidelines With thousands of students sitting their Junior, Leaving and Leaving Cert Applied exams this June, Limerick Youth Service is...