LIT Film and Media Showcase19 will take place in the LIT Millennium Theatre. It will be a visual celebration of short film screenings as well as film...
Michelle Brazil from Troy Studios pictured with students at Fresh Film Festival’s Femme Friday event in the Belltable. Picture: Orla McLaughlin/ilovelimerick. Femme Friday Event celebrates women...
Brand Limerick is developed by M&C Saatchi connecting with LSAD Limerick. Picture: Alan Place Top global brand company M&C Saatchi connects with Limerick School of Art...
Enda Kenny, former Taoiseach and Special Guest Speaker pictured at the Regional Leaders Programme in Dell EMC was, with Business Development Director at DELL Limerick, Dave...
Digicontainer: An artist impression of the final structure. Digicontainer announces ambitious plans for development and job creation in the Midwest Region Digicontainer, a not-for-profit enterprise for...
Limerick Chamber Regional Business Awards 2018, sponsored by LIT, will be hotly contested by 21 companies across 7 categories. Shortlist announced for Limerick Chamber Regional Business...
The Nighflyers trailer attracts rave reviews the series is a sci-fi drama set in space where people embark on an ill-fated journey to save the Earth from destruction. WATCH: The...
Trailer of ‘Nightflyers’ was released on July 19. Trailer of Netflix sci-fi series ‘Nightflyer’ is released The trailer for Syfy horror-thriller series ‘Nightflyers’ which was filmed...
ENGINE Limerick training with Minister Patrick O’Donovan, Senator Maria Byrne, Senator Kieran O’Donnell, Minister Paschal Donohoe, Tom Neville TD pictured at Engine this week. Minister Donohoe was...
Open Castings in Limerick will take place on Wednesday, February 21 at the Strand Hotel from 12 pm – 7 pm. Head down for your chance to...
Limerick is part of European Cities of the Future Awards 2018/19 Limerick tops the rankings in European Cities of the Future Awards Limerick city has topped the...
Nightflyers launch into production with Eoin Macken and Maya Eshet. Picture: Leah Farrell via Rolling News George RR Martins Nightflyers Launch into Production by NBC Universal...
ENGINE Limerick is the new name of world-class innovation in Limerick. Located on Upper Cecil Street, right in the heart of Limerick city, it has become...
17-year-old Rachel McGill from Limerick was awarded the title of Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year 2016. The closing date for entering Irelands Young Filmmaker of...
I Love Limerick Year Review 2016 Cliona’s Foundation celebrate raising one million euro with special guest Keith Duffy In January, to celebrate their 9th anniversary, Cliona’s Foundation Annual...
Team Limerick Clean-Up and Innovate Limerick win Excellence in Local Government Awards. Joining Munster legend, Paul O’Connell in launching Team Limerick Clean-Up were students, Liam Griffin, 8,...