Help 14-year-old Aoife Sage raise €100,000 for lifesaving surgery Aoife Sage, a 14-year-old girl from Sixmilebridge is a bright, caring and wonderful young woman currently going...
Denis Doyle, Vice President and General Manager of Manufacturing, Analog Devices International with Leo McHugh, Vice President, Industrial Business Units, presenting a cheque to Anne Marie...
Zondra Meaney EDS Table Quiz will take place this Thursday, January 28 in The Blind Pig at 7.30pm.Richard Lynch pictured with Zondra Meaney and her mother...
Pictured enjoying the coffee morning, photo by Jonathan Baynes for 2015. Article by I Love Limerick Correspondent Michelle Hogan. Enable Ireland Coffee Morning took place at...
Ireland’s largest BBQ competition, action and adventureon the River Shannon and a spectacular fireworks display will take place as part of Limerick’s Riverfest 2015 on the May Bank...
Richard with Zondra’s mother, Dorothy Meaney, Laura Freeney, Anne McCarthy, Lucy Pratt and his friend Zondra Meaney who suffers from the rare disease Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). Picture:...
Richard pictured at CDKL5 Awareness Day with Jonna, Emma, Maia and Brendan Malone. Picture: Oisin Mc Hugh. The second annual awareness and charity walk for CDKL5 took...
Limerick locals are invited to a night out in aid of Lette Moloney’s Treatment Fund At the age of 28, Limerick lady, Lette Moloney...