Lampróg Theatre have devised four plays titled “The Big Four” directed by Fiona Quinn to take place over the course of one week as part of...
Stars shine at youth factor, Limerick Youth Service’s annual variety show Dancing troupes, singers, poets, and musicians took to the stage at LIT’s Millennium Theatre this...
Grand Marshal Norah Patten and James Collins – Mayor of the City and County of Limerick taking part in Limericks Saint Patricks day parade. Picture: Sean...
Dats Limerick Citaay – Myles Breen, director and writer of ‘Dat’s Limerick Citaay’ pictured rehearsing with the cast. Picture: Dominik Kosicki The Creative Show presents ‘Dats...
Pictured are Oisin McKeogh, 16 from Clare and Rebecca Jones, 16 from Tipperary, who won the Audience Award of the Limerick Heats of Fresh Film Festival...
The Limerick 2019 Ceol na Mara Orchestra. Photo: Moya Ní Cheallaigh. Limerick Orchestra Ceol na Mara chosen to perform at the National Concert Hall this weekend ...
Dublin pop-rock superstars Wild Youth play a headline gig in Dolans on Saturday, April 6 ’. Wild Youth consists of David Whelan, Conor O’ Donohue, Ed...
Limerick Actress Michelle Fox nominated for the WhatsOnStage Awards Limerick Actress Michelle Fox has been nominated for the WhatsOnStage Awards for the ‘Best Supporting Actress in...
Artistic Director of Lumen Street Theatre, Martin Shannon helps launch SAMHAIN 2018: Limerick’s Halloween Festival at the Fab Lab Limerick. Picture: Cathal Noonan, True Media. SAMHAIN...
Limerick Youth Service girls from the D’Islanders Youth Group at Anfield’s media centre. Limerick Youth Service girls visit Liverpool from the Island Field A trip to the Blue...
Applications for the National Youth Film School 2018 will close on May 21st. Young Irish Film Makers announces National Youth Film School programmes 2018 Young Irish...
Limerick Young people participated in Limerick Youth Service Youth Factor 2018, held in The Millenium Theatre. Teens Talent Showcased at Limerick Youth Service Youth Factor 2018 Young...
A group of Step Up dancers from the production Ravenous. Courtesy of Oran Leong. Rave All About It! Insane Dance Show Ravenous at Limerick FRiNGE Coming...
Amy Flood performing as ‘Dido’ inPhoenix Theatre Co. production of In Search of the Spring/ Limerick Fringe Festival 2018 presents In Search of the Spring By...
The Autonomy Project to harness power of Limerick youth A new music project has been launched in Limerick which will harness the power and the resurgence...
Richard Lynch and Myles Breen as the Ugly Sisters with teachers and students of the Learning Hub at Learning Hub 10th Anniversary event at LIT’s Millennium...