Suzanne Roche Family Fundraiser event – pictured above is Suzanne Roche Home of Limerick woman Suzanne Roche gutted by fire – A Limerick family needs your help!...
The Boy Who Lives on the Moon – New Children’s Book for Ian’s Trust Charity “The Boy Who Lives on the...
Limerick National City of Culture 2014 programme launched Monday, 04 November 2013: Today sees the much anticipated launch of highlights of Limerick...
Hydrotherapy program alleviates the pain as patients face 2 year waiting list for Rheumatology Services The Limerick Branch of Arthritis Ireland...
LIMERICK SMARTER TRAVEL PRESENTS BESPOKE BIKE FESTIVAL 2013 Bike Week 2013 is a Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport piloted national initiative featuring...
SUN SHINES ON PINK RIBBON WALKERS! The sun was beating down on the twin towns of Killaloe Ballina, Sunday June 9th, as...
Olympics – The core government funding to the Special Olympic Games has been significantly reduced and this is the funding that they rely on to run...
By Youth Correspondent Kaila Dunne ‘Footie and Beauty’ a creative event to inspire young girls to participate in sports took place last weekend and...
Limerick Youth hit the International Stage ‘Voyage of the Orphans’ – International Youth Theatre – Last week the International Youth Theatre founded in Limerick...
Transition year students from Scoil Mhuire agus Ide, Newcastle West annual Fashion Show, held at the Courtenay Lodge Hotel. All proceeds from the night will contribute...
Every new mum is eager to tell you how excited they are about having their first child, but there are very few mums who will tell...
The staff and management of Saoirse Treatment Centre are pleased to formally announce the opening of a new day treatment addiction center, which will offer a...
Pieta House Calls on Limerick Communities to Organise Fundraisers During Suicide Awareness Week In the first six months of this year there was a 40% increase...
Glitz and glamour, champagne and cocktails. Limerick Ladies are getting their best outfits ready for what promises to be a fun filled evening. hello hello hello...
FRIENDS OF ELDERLY ‘Never forget where you come from’, Theresa Hayes, a regular visitor to Friends of the Elderly
Historic Civic Reception in Southill. The first civic reception to be held outside Limerick City Hall went ahead last week at Southill Area Centre. Mayor Jim...